Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- 4/1/10

Today is the day. The day where everyone pulls annoying practical jokes. The day your girlfriend pretends she's pregnant when she really isn't. The day your younger sibling dyes your hair green while you sleep. The day your teacher tells you theres a pop quiz when there really isn't.

Oh the infamous April Fools Day.

I can't stand waking up everyday and being around everyone and this is just an added reason to why I hate people. Yeah I'm a very cheery person, I'm aware.

I'm in a deep sleep and feeling fantastic, which is rare, when my alarm clock starts to go off. That is the first thing to ruin my day.

"Annoying little shit" I say while throwing my alarm clock across the room, breaking it once and for all.

I drag myself out of bed to the bathroom to start, once again, a dreadful day.

I take a quick shower and dry my long, dark hair. After I brush my teeth, I quickly put on some black eye shadow, to make my self more intimidating of course, and some mascara. I walk to my closet to pick out my outfit for school. My favorite color is black, that's all I wear, it makes me look more mean then I already am.

Look I'm not a total bitch, I can be nice if I like you. The problem is I just don't like anyone, and I'm not fake. I'm not going to act like I like you if I don't, it's simple.

I throw on a plain black t-shirt, black jeans, black combat boots, and to top it off, my favorite black leather jacket that my dad gave me before he died. He got cancer when I was 11 and died when I was 12. The leather jacket he gave me makes me feel still connected with him, so I wear it everyday.

As I'm walking down stairs I get a whiff of the best smell. Pancakes and Bacon. I run downstairs too see my amazing mother cooking me breakfast.

"Mom, this looks amazing" I say staring at the Jesus smelling pancakes on my plate.

"It's the most important meal of the day Alli, it's supposed to be amazing" my mom says

My mom is an at-home chef and she's amazing at it. She is definitely a perfectionist when it comes to cooking. Me on the other hand, when I first tried cooking I almost burned my house down.

"Sweetie it's 7:57, you have to be at school in 3 minutes!" My mom yells

"Oh shit! I don't care!" I say, as if I did care

"Language Allison. And you should care." she says

"But I don't. Not like being late actually matters. The teachers just give you endless warnings." I say

"Just hurry up and get to school or no dinner." she says sternly, but I know she's joking, she never goes a day without cooking dinner.

I purposely walk very slowly out the door, just to get on her nerves, and hop in my car.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My phone starts to go off so I turn off my car and look at my texts.

New Text Message from

Jay<3: Hey babe, mind picking me up for school? Car broke down.

Me: Yeah be there in a few...wanna skip? Not feeling the whole learning thing today.

Jay<3: Anything for you.

I smile at his sweet message and start driving to his house. He lives about 10 minutes away. Jared is my boyfriend, obviously, and most of all my best friend. I don't know what I would do without him. He deals with my bullshit and I deal with his. We are basically two peas in a pod and it's safe to say he is the love of my life.

I arrive at his home to see him sitting on his porch waiting. We have been dating for 3 years now and it's like he gets more gorgeous every time I see him. His brown hair is super messy today, but sexy. He's wearing a simple white t-shirt, dark jeans, and black shoes. He starts to walk towards my car and hops in the passenger seat.

"Hey babe" he says and then kisses me on the cheek

"Hey" I say blushly

"So where do you want to go?" he asked and proceeds to roll a joint

"Jay not in my car! I don't want it reeking of that shit in here. My mom would kill me." I tell him

"Alright, alright sorry." he says putting it back in his bag

"I was thinking we go jet skiing" he says

"Jet skiing? Thats random, why?" I ask

"I don't know it would be fun. And it's an excuse to get you to put your arms around me." he smirks

"I don't have a bathing suit." I tell him

"We will just wear our clothes." he says

"Ok.. lake here we come!" I say while accelerating my car to 80 mph


We finally arrive at the lake 20 minutes later. Jared and I used to come to this lake as kids all the time. It really feels like home, especially when I'm with him.

"I'm actually really excited, we haven't been jet skiing in years." I say

"I know it's one of my favorite things to do with you.. besides--"

"Don't finish that." I interrupt him

He laughs at me and grabs my hand. We walk towards the jet skis for rental and throw on the life vests that we are required to wear.

"Aren't you kids supposed to be in school?" the man that works at the ski shop asks

"Yup." I say popping the "p" at the end.

The guy eyes us and Jared just smirks at him.

"Well alright then, your jet ski's are on the dock. Use jet ski #9." he says handing us the key

We walk over to the jet ski we are going to use and quickly take off our life jackets without the guy seeing. We never wear life jackets cause they are super uncomfortable and we know how to swim. Jared hops on the jet ski first and I get on second, wrapping my arms around his waist.

Nothing could get better than this, I just want to be with him forever. Nothing could go wrong. Nothing will go wrong.

He starts up the engine and we go for an awesome ride. He purposely makes me fall off a few times and honestly this is the best day I've had in a while. Once we are done we park the jet ski back in its slot and go towards the lake shop to get a change of clothes. We pick some clothes out and buy them and then head towards the bathroom.

"Hey I'll be right back." Jay says

"Where are you going?"

"I just forgot something."

"Ok.." I say

I walk into the girls bathroom and change into the clothes I bought. My hair is full of lake water and kind of gross looking so I quickly throw it up in a bun. I put my wet clothes in the bag I got from the shop and walk outside.

"Jared? Where are you?" I yell

"Allison! Call 911!" I hear jared yell near the jet ski rental place.

"Jared? Whats wrong? What happen?" I yell while running towards him

"Don't come over here!" he yells

"Jared why? Just tell me whats going--"

But before he could answer me I stumble upon the one thing that could make this day go wrong.

The jet ski rental guy is laying on the floor with his throat sliced and Jared is next to him with a bloody knife in his hand.

"Babe, I swear it wasn't me." he says

A/N: Chapter 1 is complete! What do you think?! Looks like Jared is in some deep trouble...Any ideas on who should be cast as his character? Updates will be every other day or so! Depends on if I'm busy or not :)

Anyways please comment and vote and share my story!<3 xoxo


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