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Sunday  October 6,2024  10:00 am

Y/n's pov
I'm laying in bed watching American horror story when I hear my phone go off. people don't usually text me so I pick up my phone to see who it is.

unknown number
hey what time do we gotta be at training?
uhm idk who is this?
bro stop playing with me it's Javon
first of all im a girl second of all i don't even know a Javon
oh my bad I got the wrong number, what's your name?
why would I give a stranger my name?
to be fair I gave you my name plus I'm not a stalker or anything I'm just curious
that's something a stalker would say
I promise I'm not a stalker
my name is y/n
nice to meet you y/n I'm Javon now we aren't strangers
I guess so. so what's this training you was talking about?
I'm a boxer
boxers are hot
are they now?
yes ofc
good to know, I got to go train ttyl!
y/n hearted the messaged

I put my phone down and continue watching my show. "Y/N" i hear a voice say coming from downstairs "YES?" I yell back. No response. I pause my show and go down stairs and see my mom sitting on the couch "can you get me another beer?" she says as she slurs her words. "you called me downstairs to get you a beer?" I say with an attitude. "yes bitch now get me one" she says raising her voice at me. "nah bro get yourself one" I say and then run back upstairs to my room. my dad cheated on my mom about 2 years ago and ever since then she's been in this really dark place, she started drinking to help the pain and then she just got addicted. I understand but at the same time I don't, I'm her daughter and she shouldn't take it out on me. I pack some clothes and my essentials in a bag and just leave. I don't know where I'm going but anywhere is better than being in that house. I live in a small town that's close to Atlanta, Georgia. I ended up at a gas station so I just sit down on the bench and put my AirPods in.

12:34 pm
it's been a couple hours since I left my house and i decided I should just go back and deal with it. I started walking back when I saw this cute dude walked into the gas station. he looked at me and waved so of course I waved back with a smile on my face.

stay tuned for the next part ! does y/n talk to the boy or just go back home?

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