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Kayla's POV

The next morning, I woke up with a smile still lingering from yesterday. I stretched out, feeling the warmth of the sun filtering through my window. After a quick brush of my teeth, I grabbed my phone, knowing Kiara was probably waiting for details. Like clockwork, my phone buzzed, and there she was, FaceTiming me.

"You ready to spill the tea?" Kiara grinned as soon as I picked up.

"Good morning to you too," I chuckled, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Hold on, let me get myself together first."

I filled her in on everything as I went through my morning routine brushing my teeth, throwing on a hoodie. I kept the details basic: we went skating, had fun, and grabbed food. Casual, right? Kiara wasn't buying it for a second.

"Mmmhmm," she hummed, giving me a look. "You telling me it was all that casual, but I saw the video, Kayla. Y'all looked happy as hell, skating together like that."

Before I could reply, there was a knock on my door. "Hold on, I think Skylar's here."

I opened the door to find her standing there, eyes bright like she had news. "Good morning, Kay," she said, striding in. "Now spill the details. How was your little date with Monica?"

I groaned, shutting the door behind her. "Not you too, Sky. It wasn't a date."

Kiara's voice chimed in from my phone. "Oh, now that's a lie."

Skylar flopped onto my bed, smirking. "Girl, please. I saw how Monica was acting last night. She was all blushing and giggling when I asked her about it. She wouldn't tell me anything, which says everything. That girl is into you."

Kiara jumped in, eyes gleaming. "Exactly! She looked like a whole teenager in love. Kayla, y'all are basically dating at this point."

I could feel my face heat up. "It wasn't like that. We were just hanging out, skating like friends do."

Skylar leaned forward, giving me a knowing look. "You know you're not fooling anyone, right? Monica might not have said anything, but I know her. She's into you, and girl, you've been acting different. You like her too, don't you?"

I hesitated, heart racing as their words sank in. I took a deep breath. "Yeah... I do. I like her."

Both of them squealed so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear. Skylar practically bounced on the bed while Kiara clapped her hands together.

"I knew it!" Skylar said, eyes gleaming. "It's about damn time you admitted it."

Kiara grinned. "You've been trying to play it cool for too long, but girl, it's obvious. You're totally in love."

I laughed, shaking my head. "I don't know about all that."

Skylar nudged me. "Monica's feeling you, too. You should just tell her already."

I sighed, feeling the weight of their words settle over me. Maybe they were right. Maybe it was time to stop dancing around my feelings and just say something. But before I could think too much about it, I got a text from Monica.

Monica: What are you doing today? Want to come over for a movie night? I've been thinking about it all morning.

My heart skipped a beat, and I couldn't help but smile. "Speaking of her... looks like I'm hanging out with her again tonight."

Skylar wiggled her eyebrows. "Oooooh, a movie night? That's the perfect setup. You know what to do."


By the time I got to Monica's dorm later that day, my nerves were on 100. I stood outside her door for a second, taking a deep breath before knocking. When she opened it, her smile was enough to make me forget how anxious I felt.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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