Chapter 7: Easter

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*WARNING: This chapter has some words of profanity. Viewer discretion has been advised.*

Grace's POV

Today was just another day at school. I thought as I woke up. My shugo's chara's were still sleeping so I let them have more rest. I walked in my bathroom to do my usual morning routine. As I was showering, I remembered the events that occurred yesterday. I went to the festival with Kukai, ate ramen, went on my first roller coaster, met Rin and... had my first kiss. 

My cheeks starting feeling hot at that thought. But wait. How am I going to face him today!? What if he doesn't say anything or like what if he said it was a mistake? What if he wants to stay just as 'friends'. I bit my lip out of anxiety and took a deep breath. 

'Grace. Calm the fudge down.' I said to myself. I had finished my shower and was putting on my clothes when my chara's woke up.

'Ohayo everyone.' I said as I flashed a smile. 

'Morning Grace!' Tara excitedly exclaimed as she flew around my room.

'Oii Tara, you're going to get dizzy for the rest of the day if you fly around like that.' Naomi stated with her arms crossed.

'Well I can't stop because... GRACE HAD HER FIRST KISS YESTERDAY!' She said as she stopped her flying. 

'Oh yeahhh.' Kira said as she recognised. 

'Guys...c'mon it was just a kiss?' I stated, but more like questioned. 

'Yeh definitely it was 'just' a kiss even if it was with Kukai.' Kira said emphasising on 'just'. She smirked as she saw my embarrassed face.  

'Okay okay, maybe it did mean something for both of us.' I said as I coincidently looked at the clock. My eyes widened at the reading. Why is there always only five minutes left for me to rush to school.

'Let's get going, we're going to be late if we don't.' I said as I slung my bag over my shoulder. I walked out the front door and locked it. I was speed walking with my chara's close behind. As I was near the gates, I had a strange feeling that someone was following me. I swiftly turned but no one was there. Maybe it was just the wind. I turned back and before you know it, I was blindfolded.

A cloth went over my mouth and it was undoubtedly chloroform. I struggled against the grip of the kidnapper and felt him pressuring the cloth to my nose.

'BLEH MEH GWO!' I screamed, but my words were constrained by the cloth. I felt the kidnapper's hand come near my face so I did what I could at the moment. I bit him. I heard him make a noise of pain before I passed out. 

*A few hours later

'Wake up.'

'Wake up!' A voice commanded 

My eyes fluttered open and tried adjusting to the light. I was in a room, specifically a business room with a head desk and small coffee table. I was seated at one of the couches with my hands restricted behind me. I snapped out my thoughts when the man talked. But doesn't he look familiar?

'Good job Tsukiyomi. For once you do the job right.' He says with an evil smirk. He looks towards me and I glared in return. My eyes widened at the thought. Tsukiyomi? But that's my last name though...unless. I turned around and saw Ikuto.

'But...why?' I questioned him betrayed. He looked away with a bored gaze but I thought I saw something in his eyes. They were...empty; sad. I sighed and went back to hating the old fart. 

'What do you want?' I questioned rough.

'Well since you're here now, I have a proposal to offer.' He said pausing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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