Chapter 3: The Truth

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''No No! It's alright. We were just talking, so please don't hurt Ikuto or anything. He was just... helping.'' I said with a slight tint of red on my cheeks. It took me 5 seconds until I realised that I called him by his name for the first time. ''Umm, don't worry about me guys. I'm fine... so I'll just head back to class.'' I said and bowed to them with a grateful smile. I rushed back to class before Amu or Tadase would question me.

Tadase & Amu's POV:

''Is it true that you were helping her Tsukiyomi Ikuto?'' I questioned.

''I don't know.'' He answered in a bored tone and expression. ''Hey Amu!'' He said to Amu with a smirk playing on his lips.

''WHA!? WHAT!? Ehem, What?'' I answered quite flustered. Damn that Ikuto! Tadase's going to get the wrong message now! I sulkily thought. ''Bye bye future.''

''Umm Amu? What are you saying?'' Miki asked with he eyes like this =_=.

''Nandemo naiyo!'' I quickly replied. Crap! I said that out loud.

''Well whatever. Bye.'' Ikuto suddenly said and went else where.

''Hey! Tsuki-' Damn! I didn't get enough time to ask him. Is it too rude if I ask Grace? I'll think about this later. ''Amu, let's get to class.'' I said. 

''Ok.'' Why was Ikuto here? Was he planing to...kiss...Grace? NO NO! Ikuto isn't that type of guy. But, when Ikuto was near Grace... it looked like he was about to... kiss her. WHA!? What am I saying!? Its just my imagination! Yeah, my imagination!

Grace's POV

I finally made it back to class. I wonder where Amu and Tadase are, I need to thank them. I wonder, do they know Ikuto? They seem to act strange around him, like they don't trust him. Mostly Tadase, he looked like something happened to him in the past that involved Ikuto.


Well, thats the bell for lunch. But I don't see Amu or Tadase. I went up to a girl with flowing chocolate brown hair, ''Umm excuse me, but do you know where Amu and Tadase sits for lunch time?''

''Oh! They're in the guardian's greenhouse. Umm, let me show you where they are k? Oh! I almost forgot to introduce myself, Hi! My name's Minami Yuuki. Nice to meet you.'' She said with a warm smile. I bowed in response and offered to shake my hand.

''Oh thanks! And hey, nice to meet you too. I'm Tsukiyomi Grace.''

''Yeah I know, your really pretty!'' She answered smiling. 

''Oh! Thanks! You too, you are really pretty with your long hair.'' I complimented back.

''Aww, you're nice. Hey we can be friends right?'' She questioned.

''Really? Sure! Your my first friend today. Thanks!'' I said with a grateful smile.

''Don't mention it! So, let's go. I'll take you to the guardian's greenhouse.''

''Ok.'' We walked talking about random things to know each other better. I was having so much fun talking to Yuuki.

''Ok! We're here.''

''WHOA!  The guardians have lunch here? Its so pretty.'' I said in awe. 

''Yeah! Well I got to go to my art club, I'm sorry I can't go in with you. We'll talk later k?'' She said with an apolegetic expression.

''Don't worry, you helped enough and sure. Bye!'' I giggled and waved.

''Bye Grace!'' She said running off.

I watched her run until I couldn't see her. ''Well, we're here guys.'' I murmured.

''Hey Grace, I can sense other shugo chara's here too.'' Kira said cautiously.

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