CHAPTER 1: Rough Introductions

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"As the first century of the Targaryen dynasty came to a close, the health of the Old King, Jaehaerys, was failing. In those days, House Targaryen stood at the height of its strength, with 10 adult dragons under its yoke. No power in the world could stand against it. King Jaehaerys reigned for nearly 60 years of peace and prosperity. But tragedy had claimed both his sons, leaving his succession in doubt. So, in the year 101, the Old King called a Great Council to choose an heir. Over a thousand lords made the journey to Harrenhal. Fourteen succession claims were heard, but only two were truly considered: Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, the King's eldest descendant, and her younger cousin, Prince Viserys Targaryen, the King's eldest male descendant. It is declared by all lords paramount and lord vassals of the Seven Kingdoms that Prince Viserys Targaryen be made Prince of Dragonstone. Rhaenys, a woman, would not inherit the Iron Throne. The lords instead chose Viserys... my father. Jaehaerys called the Great Council to prevent a war being fought over his succession. For he knew the cold truth. The only thing that could tear down the House of the Dragon... was itself."

14 years before episode 1

Viserys yelled, struggling to keep up with the hyperactive child, "Slow down, Daemon, slow down!"

"That ship is enormous; can you believe it? "They are already at the harbor; I need to see them before the council crowds them," Daemon yelled as he dashed ahead of Viserys and Otto and across the Red Keep's streets.

"Your Highness, who or what do you believe is on board the ship?" Otto remarked as the pair neared the harbor, with Daemon far ahead of them; he was no longer visible.

"Unfortunately, I do not know Otto; my grandfather was not even aware of a ship arriving in Westeros until late last night; all he was told was that the ship was most likely from Essos, where exactly they could not tell, as not much of Essos is known to us, and that the ship owners seemed to have money, lots and lots of money," Viserys told him as they approached the harbor.

Murmurs could be heard throughout the harbor as people awaited the ship, which was so large and beautiful that houses that sailed, such as the Velaryons, would be envious. Because it was so large, it required the removal of the majority of the ships from the harbor before it could be properly dockedf.

A bald-headed tan man in an expensive white silk robe with gold accessories walked down the plank; his aura screamed power and someone who should not be trifled with. They all watched as he walked down the plank, his face expressionless. Then his gaze was drawn to the group at the docks, and he approached them.

"Où est ton dirigeant?" The man spoke up, his voice deep and powerful, yet the words sounded almost poetic. People looked at him incredulously, obviously unable to comprehend him. He sighed heavily and continued. (Where is your ruler?)

"Please pardon my ignorance; I forgot you, gens médiocres, only speak common; where is your ruler?" (subpar people)

"Can you tell me who you are and what you are doing here?" As Baelon approached the man and started talking, all eyes turned to see what the man would say in response.

"I am Erevan Thalendir, Princess Althea Elandorin's protector; she has decided to grace you all with her presence and spend her vacation here, and for that I need to speak with the King to see if this place is suitable—" He paused to take in his surroundings.

"一for her. We are not cheap, so we expect to pay for our lodging." His statement was met with awkward silence as he stared at their garments. He redirected his attention to another man who had emerged during the conversation and was dressed identically to Erevan.

"Informez la dame que je partirai pour converser avec le souverain de ce domaine. Je compte revenir rapidement pour fournir des informations. Assurez-vous qu'elle reste sur le navire et hors de danger ! Envoyez quatre gardes pour m'accompagner tout de suite !" The mysterious man nodded, and then re-entered the ship. A few seconds later, he returned with four men following close behind, all of them wearing black with their faces covered and carrying overlapping scimitars. The crowd dispersed because of their menacing appearance. The knights prepared themselves for an oncoming assault by raising their swords. (Inform the lady that I shall depart to converse with the ruler of this domain. I expect to return swiftly to deliver information. Ensure that she remains on the ship and out of harm's way! Send four guards to accompany me right away!)

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