want to be a super hero ?

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~ Chapter One ~
"Dude we should be super heroes " I say clutching the bag of potato chips, while sitting on the old green couch we named Rusty.

"Jillian no offense but why would we be super heroes?" Maxwell asks, changing the channel to sponge Bob.

Ever since I was little I've wanted to be a super hero. What kid doesn't right? I jumped off my roof pretending to be the girl version of superman, and I built iron man suits made of cardboard boxes, and let's not forget the time I used my mom's green nail polish to become the hulk. Boy you should have seen my mother's face when she came home . It took three hours, two trips to the store for nail polish remover and four showers, yet I still had a green tint to my face.

"Why not, we have so much time on our hands, I mean look at us!" I said looking around our tree house we built at the age of ten . Rusty the puke green couch stood across from the left wall, facing a tiny box t.v . Sat on the floor boards across from Rusty, the door to the tree house is on the floor boards next to the t.v. which is attached to a rope tire swing with knots to climb up .

"Yeah so what? we are loners that are so smart they can finish their homework in thirty minutes, who also do no sports leading us to only look forward to school which also in turn makes us have six give or take a few hours of free time.......every day. ......" Maxwell says looking sheepishly towards the floor. "So what I happen to like my free time ,everyday ... " he says defending himself .
"But don't you want more, don't you want to be able to say , "hey I saved a person the other day, for free I might add".

"Well duh its free what kind of super hero charges for saving people ?" Maxwell asks .

"The um... the um... well forget it stop trying to change the topic max.the point is I want to do more than sit around waiting for my chance to shine , I'm going to chase after it with or with out you ". I say standing up and climbing down the rope only to go back up a moment later for my chips.

"With or with out you" I say again trying to keep my dignity.

Heading to my house across from Maxwell's I can't help but think of what max will say. I crawl into bed while filling my dreams with  thoughts of super heroes.

The next morning I hear the ringing of my alarm . I pound my alarm with a closed fist breaking my second alarm clock this week and it Tuesday . I go to my walk in  closet and grab my black and yellow batman shirt , my black skinny jeans and yellow sneakers and head into my shower.

After getting dressed I walk to the bus stop , where max is waiting patiently .

" I see you're wearing a super hero shirt " max says taking notice of my attire.

"yes I am" I reply with no emotion in my voice at all

" so just curious here , what would we do to train to be super heroes ?" Maxwell asks with a hint of a smile peeking from his lips.

"why, would you like to be one with me ?" I say again without a hint of emotion.

" what's in it for me ?" he asks.

" the chance to say hey I just saved a person the other day, for free i might add." I say smiling.

"well than I will take it because that sounds like the deal of a life time."he says smiling back at me . "I  like your shirt by the way" he adds lifting up his black sweater revealing a black and yellow batman shirt.

The bus pulls alongside us and opens its doors . The only seats left are in the back. no one sits back there because that's where Jeremy sits, nobody talks to  him because he's blind, and when they do, they talk real loud and in a baby voice. It's as if nobody knows that blindness doesn't effect hearing, or age. We have no choice but to sit by him. Somebody snickers and says "pffft the two nerds and one of the three blind mice finally got together"  his friends laugh with him.

"hey back off jerks " I shout at them.

They all go "oh....... you just got dissed by a nerd Jace " the guy apparently known as Jace shifts uncomfortabley under my stare before he says " woah the nerd speaks , shocker.... "

Before I realised it we are at school , I  push past "jace" and head off the bus.

Inconsiderate jerks like "jace" are why Max and i have to protect this city , or going to have to because we haven't really started working on that yet......

For first period I have P.E. I really hate having P.E. in the morning , its not fair because I apparently am the only one who think it is ludicrous to have P. freaking E. in the morning. no really I went in front of the school board with a really really cool PowerPoint that took a really really long time to make and they still said no ! That PowerPoint took me two whole hours! at least that's what the PowerPoint website said , in real life it actually took seven minutes to find it and three to copy and paste. seriously time is money unless....your me and have six give or take a few hours of free time every day.

In P. freaking E. we had to do ten laps then we played dodge ball .

Max was on my team along with all the other sport rejects. It's as if the P.E. teacher hates us , for reals all the star athletes are on the other team .

First goes sam , then josh, then Ashley, then Jane, then Lucas , then max. I look around and it's just me against all nine of them, yeah that's right nine super sporty people against one nerd.


yay first chapter done beautiful people!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's your fave color? First 5 answers in the comments gets a follow !!!!!!

Bonus question : how old was Harry Potter when he first went to Hogwarts?? First correct answer gets a follow and a dedication!!!!!

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