What's my Name?

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~chapter 3 What's My Name?~

Hey whats up? third chapter is done and if your like me you'll probably be reading this right before bedtime because that's what you do every night......even if your not supposed to because it ruins your eyes, is a bad habit......and other stuff that my mom told me. Anyways happy reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


we have read a total of  25 comic books. And guess what we found out ?! we found out that every super hero known to man kind has a super cool outfit and a super cool , well most of the time super cool , hero name. Now most of the time the "people" come up with the names, with of course the help or influence of said superhero .  we have also figured out that we need a techie person that can like use their tech to find out where the "bad" guys are hiding , because we obviously cant just be like dudes I think I know this one guy whose friends, cousins, neighbors,  neighbor saw a sketchy dude on their street. Obviously.

so all we need is a super smart techie person willing to help us , really cool outfits to hide our identity , we need to come up with cool super hero names  , oh yeah and a secret hide out , because all......... super heroes have secret hideouts !...

the store keeper keeps giving us dirty looks , maybe because we haven't  actually bought any of the 25 comic books we've read... and we don't plan on doing so.

Jace drops his current comic book slightly and says " shouldn't you invite your nerdy boyfriend so we can discuss this as a group?"

" that ...... is a.... good idea .... hey he's not my boyfriend! " I reply while getting out my I phone .

when I call max I suddenly think , he wont know where to go we should just meet up  at the tree house !

when I hang up Jace looks at me and says " dude what are you doing ?"

"... we cant meet here because max wont know how to get here" I say back.

" so where are we going to meet up at?"Jace asks.

"you'll see" I reply with a smile.

" okay so while your driving I'll tell you which way to go , okay?" I say and he nods with an unsure face.

we get into the car and start driving . surprisingly Jace doesn't ask where we are going the whole time! He barely needed any directions. which concerns me.

Instead of parking in the front we park in the back so my parents wont see me. 

Getting out I grab Jace's hand and I drag him to the tree house and tell him to climb up. At the base of the tree house I text max and tell him to meet me at the tree house and then I climb up.

" what is this place?"Jace asks.

"well it's max and I's tree house we built when we were ten ." I tell him.

The hatch to the tree house swings open and maxs' head pops in.

"What the hell is he doing here!!!" max shouts.

" well hello to you too max " I say to max.

"oh hey Jillian" max says still looking in Jace's direction .

I  throw my hands up and plop down onto the couch with a frustrated sigh. "gee what an amaze balls friend, max Jace, Jace max. oh and max ,Jace is a new edition to our super hero majig ." I say while grinning like the chestier cat. 

My therapist says that I may be bipolar , and ADHD because  I often get sidetracked and my mood changes from one extreme to another. Her name is  Dr.sanpoloskie , hey maybe she's on to something.....or naw....

Fingers snap in front of my face making me come back to the real world. I look around and Jace looks and me with a hint of worry in his eyes while max looks like he's about to rant again.

"did you hear anything I said !" max demands.

" uh....... no?" I answer to him.

"oh and btw we need to come up with really cool outfits , a techie person and names ." I say to maxs furious face while smiling .

"what why... argh well anyways we, you cant just let another person into our majig, how did this even happen!!!!!!!!!!!"max says flailing his hands everywhere .

"well..... okay so you see afterdodgeballimighthaveaccidentalytoldhimthenwewenttothiscomicbookstoreandyeah......so yeah."I say back.

"wait so you were talking after dodge ball and it slipped then you guys went to a comic book store?" max says.

surprised he got it all I stay there shocked a .'YEAH , yes um yuppie " I say hastily.

"I am going to ignore this for now , and focus on the hero stuff okay , you with me?" max says rather calmly.

"okay ,I gots it"

'' okay so what was this I hear about hero names?" max asks.

" oh yeah that ,right okay so Jace and I were reading comic books and  we found out obviously we cant use our real names , duh because than people would most likely come after us. Anyways we need super hero names to help hide our identity ." I say .

"okay so what's my name?" Max asks.

"Well duh it's max unless you want to go trans then it would be Maxine. or Maxie  , hey Jace do you think max would be ...."

" no I mean my hero name " max says cutting me off.

"oh then I have no clue." I say.

"your supposed to come up with your own" Jace says.

"or we could get our costumes and then let the "people" decide our names"  I say looking at max and Jace.

''Okay say we do get our costumes  and we do this hero stuff , what if the "people" as you call them don't name us or they give us a horrible name ?" max says thoughtfully

"lets just get our costumes and then get names , okay?" Jace says .

"yeah sure okay " Max and I say at the same time.

"so........ we can meet up here tomorrow and go together to get our costumes?" Jace says with hope in his eyes.

"YUP" max and I say again in unison .

"you have got to stop doing that!" Jace says making max and I turn to each other and start laughing.

''SEE you all tomorrow after school !" Jace says while going down the tire swing. Every now and then I think that I'm to old to go in the tree house, but then I think how old am I , 17, how old am I mentally, 5 . oh so I'm good.

I say goodbye to max and wander home.

"JILLIAN  ROSALIE  ZEPHLA why are you so late!" my mother yells at me as I walk through the door.


Thanks for Reading my Book!!!! I'm excited to write this book!!!!!!!!! like really excited!!!!!!!!!!!! here's your would you rather question!!! remember to highlight the line of which ever one you chose and comment!!! 

Would you rather always be 10 minutes late 

or always be 20 minutes early?

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