DC Incorrect Quotes 40

131 1 364

Derek: Talk to me~

Trevor: The dishes.

Derek: Wh-

Trevor: They've been there for 4 days and it's your turn to wash them. You still haven't cleaned them and I have asked you to do so several times.

Aiden: When the asteroid hits, we'll all be dead.

James: Well, it's our last chance to do anything we want.

Aiden: You're right. I've never read these poems to any....

James: Oh.

Nick: Man, This ain't right. I never kissed a million dollar case.

Alec: And I never kissed a guy.

Nick: *shocked* Um... It's cool. I don't judge.

Lill: Good morning.

Dan: Good morning.

Will: Good morning.

Grett: You all sound like robots. Try spicing it up a little bit.


Gabby: Tess! Bite my entire ass!

Tess: What?

Gabby: Go legally brain dead from lack of oxygen due to choking on my entire ass!

Tess: I.... I... What?

Aiden: *to Yul* HEY YUL!!

Yul: *looks at Aiden*

Aiden: *pulls James into a kiss*

Rosa Maria and Lake: Awww...


Ally: What is it called when you kill a friend?

Kai: Homicide.

Rosa Maria: Murder.

James: Homiecide.

*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*

Drew: Would never stab anyone.

James: Would stab someone in retaliation.

Gabby: Yells "I won't hesistate, bitch" first.

Fiore: Would stab without warning.

Tom: Stab WITH a warning.

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