midnight show

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Chapter 15

It had been a few days since Victor had asked Eve to be his plus one for the masquerade ball. She still hadn't given him an answer, torn between her instinct to be cautious and the intrigue his offer brought. Victor's request had left her rattled, but it was Gabe's behavior in the following days that finally tipped her hand.

The managers, who had grown to trust Eve over the last few weeks, had invited her to an important meeting. They valued her insight and knew that Victor trusted her implicitly. Gabe was present too, and from the moment the meeting started, it was clear that something was off. Each time Eve voiced an opinion or offered a solution, Gabe would interject. He would "correct" her points or add unnecessary comments that subtly undermined her authority.

Whether he was doing it on purpose or not, Eve wasn't sure, but it felt personal. The rest of the staff watched, heads swiveling between them as though they were spectators at a tennis match. Gabe's usual calm demeanor didn't falter, even as they went back and forth. It felt like he was challenging her, and by the end of the meeting, Eve felt like she had lost more than just an argument.

Gabe, as always, was smiling by the end of it. He casually chatted with other staff members as if nothing had happened. His relaxed posture and easy demeanor only made Eve angrier. How could he humiliate her like that and then act like it was nothing?

Frustration boiled inside her, and without thinking, she stormed out of the room. Her feet carried her straight to Victor's office. No knocking. No asking for permission. She just pushed the door open and stepped inside, catching him completely off guard.

Victor, who had been going over some reports, blinked in surprise. No one barged into his office like that—especially not Eve. His chair creaked as he leaned back, eyes fixed on her as she paced around his desk. Her arms were crossed tightly against her chest, her breathing quick. She was rattled, that much was clear.

Eve stopped right next to him, leaning in closer than usual, her words laced with anger and resolve. "Let's do this."

Victor's eyes darkened, a mischievous grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. He didn't say anything at first, just watched her, taking in the fire in her eyes, the flush in her cheeks.

She didn't realize it, but this situation had caught Victor completely off guard, and it was taking every ounce of his self-control not to pull her closer and have his way with her right there on the table.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his voice low, teasing. He could see the shift in her. She wasn't just upset about Gabe; she was finally ready to take a step toward him.

"Yes," Eve snapped, her voice firm but shaken. "Let's do this."

Victor's grin widened, his hand resting on the armrest of his chair as he leaned back, clearly enjoying her sudden determination. "Good," he said, his tone smooth, hiding the dangerous edge beneath. "You won't regret it."

As Eve stood there, her heart still pounding from her confrontation with Gabe and the intensity of Victor's gaze, she felt a strange mix of relief and anticipation. She wasn't sure what she had just agreed to, but one thing was certain—things were about to change, and not just for the company.

Victor's eyes lingered on her as she turned to leave, the tension in the room still thick. He watched her go, knowing full well that she had just walked straight into his game, and he was more than ready to play.

Chapeter 17

The night of the ball had finally arrived, and the hotel was filled with an excited buzz. Employees and their guests flowed into the grand venue, eyes wide with wonder as they took in the breathtaking transformation. The hotel lobby was bathed in deep, rich hues of purple, black, and silver, with intricate chandeliers casting a soft, ethereal glow over the room. Dramatic floral arrangements of black roses, dark purple orchids, and deep crimson lilies adorned the tables, while silk drapes hung from the ceiling, creating an air of mystery and grandeur. The setting, both ominous and beautiful, was a perfect backdrop for the night of indulgence and spectacle.

Near the entrance, Gabe stood with Chloe on his arm. He wore a classic black tuxedo with subtle silver accents, his mask simple and sleek, covering just his eyes with black fabric and sharp lines, giving him a mysterious yet approachable aura. Chloe, in contrast, was dressed to turn heads in a deep red, skin-tight gown that shimmered slightly under the light. Her mask, encrusted with glittering jewels, was more decorative than functional, drawing attention to her sharp features and commanding presence. They were chatting with other employees and guests, Chloe laughing lightly, her eyes darting around the room as if she owned it, while Gabe tried to keep his usual calm composure despite the nervous energy building in the air.

As HR stepped forward to begin their welcoming speech, the mood shifted when Emma interrupted with a last-minute change. Victor was introduced as the evening's speaker instead of Gabe, a decision that sent ripples of surprise through the crowd. Even Gabe seemed caught off guard, exchanging a quick glance with Chloe. The employees, having grown used to Victor's distance from company events, whispered amongst themselves. The HR team was quick to adjust, knowing that if Victor approved the event, his words would carry weight.

All eyes turned toward the grand entrance as Victor and his mysterious companion stepped into the ballroom.

Victor's presence was commanding, draped in a black velvet suit with tailored precision. The suit's lapels were adorned with intricate silver embroidery, faint but unmistakable, like the trails of smoke rising from the underworld. His mask was a perfect complement—black leather with sharp, angular features and silver accents, giving him the appearance of a dark king stepping out of myth. His aura was one of power, dominance, and mystery, drawing the crowd's attention like moths to a flame.

On his arm was Eve, though no one recognized her at first. She moved with quiet grace, her gown a masterpiece of design. A dark crimson dress with black undertones clung to her form, the bodice fitted with a plunging neckline that was just revealing enough to capture attention without being too bold. The fabric flowed like water, pooling around her feet with every step, the dark red reminiscent of pomegranate seeds—an intentional nod to Persephone. Her mask, delicate and intricate, was made of twisted black metal, vines and dark roses intertwined, with small crimson jewels that sparkled under the chandelier light. It framed her face perfectly, casting her in an air of dark beauty, both alluring and untouchable.

As they approached the stage, the crowd's murmurs grew. Who was the woman on Victor's arm? She seemed familiar, yet utterly transformed. When Victor stepped up to the microphone, the room fell silent, the weight of his presence enough to command complete attention.

"Good evening, everyone," Victor's deep voice resonated through the hall, his tone calm but carrying an authority that silenced the whispers. "Tonight, we celebrate not only the success of our company but the dedication and hard work of every single one of you. This event is not just about business; it's about the people who make our vision a reality."

There was a pause, and Victor's eyes scanned the room, his gaze almost daring anyone to speak.

"I especially want to take a moment to acknowledge someone who has been instrumental in putting this night together. Someone whose dedication goes far beyond what most of you see." He turned slightly, his gaze landing on Eve, who stood just behind him, still masked. "Eve," he said, his voice softer but still firm, "your hard work and vision have made this night possible. For that, I thank you."

The crowd turned toward Eve, now realizing the mysterious woman by Victor's side was none other than their trusted colleague. A wave of applause followed, the recognition sending a ripple of emotion through the room. Eve nodded graciously, her face remaining calm despite the tumult of emotions swirling inside her.

Victor stepped back from the microphone, and the night resumed, the tension easing as people began to enjoy the festivities. But the shift in power was palpable, and Eve's transformation—both literal and metaphorical—was the silent heartbeat of the room.

As the music started, the evening continued, but for many, the real spectacle was the presence of Victor and Eve, like Hades and Persephone ruling the underworld.

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