Calling you

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Chapter 9

Eve spent the next few days in a haze, navigating through the motions of her life with a heavy heart. She had decided to quit, but now the silence in her apartment felt louder than ever. The walls, once filled with dreams and aspirations, seemed to close in on her, suffocating the remnants of hope she clung to.

As she tried to distract herself with mundane chores, her phone buzzed incessantly on the kitchen counter. She ignored it at first, but after a few minutes, curiosity got the better of her. She wiped her hands on a dish towel and picked up her phone, her heart skipping when she saw Victor's name flash on the screen.

"Eve, can you come back? I need you. It doesn't have to be as my chief strategy officer. Even as my personal assistant, I could really use your help. Please."

Her breath caught in her throat, a mix of emotions flooding through her. He needed her? After everything that had happened, the bitterness she felt toward him was suddenly complicated by the glimmer of longing.

Eve glanced at her reflection in the window, her tired eyes searching for answers. She was hurt, angry, and disillusioned, yet a part of her still yearned for that connection they once shared—the feeling of being valued, even if it was in a diminished capacity.

But personal assistant? The thought of reverting to that role felt like a step backward, a resignation to her failures. Could she really go back to being under his thumb?

With trembling fingers, she typed out a response. "I don't know, Victor. Things have changed."

Almost immediately, her phone buzzed again. "I understand that, but I promise it would be different this time. You've always been more than just an assistant to me. I value your insight and perspective. The truth is, we brought in three new hires to take on your responsibilities, but they're not cutting it. They simply can't manage the workload like you did."

His words struck a chord, a faint echo of the confidence he had once instilled in her. She felt a flicker of hope, but it was quickly overshadowed by doubt. Could she really trust him again?

After a long pause, Eve finally typed out her answer. "I'll think about it."

With a sigh, she set her phone down, her heart heavy with indecision. The thought of going back to Victor's world both excited and terrified her. She had spent so long trying to distance herself from the chaos, yet the offer lingered in her mind, tempting her to reconsider.

Days turned into a week, and Eve kept busy, filling her time with self-care routines and moments of solitude. But the weight of Victor's request hung over her like a cloud. She wanted to reclaim her sense of purpose but struggled with the fear of being sucked back into a toxic cycle.

Then came the day when she finally caved.

Standing in front of the mirror, she examined her reflection, wondering if the woman staring back at her could handle the demands of Victor's world again. With a deep breath, she reached for her phone, heart racing.

"Okay, I'll come in tomorrow."

The moment she pressed send, relief washed over her. She had made her choice, but uncertainty gnawed at her insides. What would this new beginning look like? Would she find herself falling back into old patterns, or could she forge a new path?

That night, as she lay in bed, she tried to silence the doubts echoing in her mind. But deep down, she felt a tinge of excitement mixed with fear. The familiar ache of ambition tugged at her heart, reminding her of the spark that had once driven her to succeed.

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