Smile like you mean it

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Chapter 25

The next morning, Eve arrived at the office early, preparing for the board meeting that had been the topic of conversation for weeks. She set up everything she needed, from presentation materials to refreshments, ensuring everything was in order. As she organized the room, Victor entered, a hint of shyness flickering in his eyes. He approached her with a specially customized tablet in hand, designed to resemble the attire they wore at the masquerade ball.

"I thought this would make things easier for you," he said, handing it to her. "You can communicate and handle files during the meeting without needing to text or bring a laptop."

Eve accepted the tablet, feeling a mix of surprise and gratitude. "This is perfect, Victor. Thank you," she replied, a warm smile spreading across her face.

He pointed to her desk. "I'll set mine up next to yours. It'll be more efficient this way."

As they entered the boardroom together, Eve took a seat at the back with the other assistants. She turned on the tablet, fiddling with it as the other members began to settle in. Victor's suggestion was spot on; the tablet was incredibly convenient, allowing her to manage everything effortlessly.

A moment later, she remembered it was one of the female board members' birthdays. Quickly, she sent Victor a message letting him know, along with a suggestion to send flowers in his stead. She could see him chuckling at her text, and a moment later, his quick reply came through: Thank you.

Eve felt a swell of pride at their teamwork. It was moments like these that made her realize how far they had come, both personally and professionally.

As the boardroom filled, Victor caught one of the board members as she passed by. "Happy birthday," he said, offering her a warm, almost charming smile. "I hope you received the flowers I sent?"

The woman blushed, clearly taken aback by his unexpected gesture. "I did, thank you so much. They're beautiful."

Victor nodded, his eyes twinkling with a rare softness before he turned his attention back to the room. Gabriel soon entered and took his seat beside Victor. These meetings had always felt like a fencing match between the two of them. Eve often overheard the other assistants and managers quietly betting on who would "win" the verbal sparring session.

As the meeting proceeded, Gabriel presented his project with his usual carefree demeanor. He addressed the board confidently, as if every word out of his mouth was a sure success. But when he finished, the room fell silent, anticipation thick in the air as all eyes shifted to Victor.

Victor, however, seemed completely absorbed in something else, tapping away at his tablet. A few moments passed before he finally glanced up, acknowledging the room with an almost teasing look. "What?" he asked, feigning confusion. Then, turning to Gabriel, he continued, "You did your work. It's a solid project. You don't need my go-ahead to proceed."

The room was caught off guard by Victor's response. Usually, he would dissect Gabriel's presentation with sharp criticism, but today, there was nothing. Gabriel opened his mouth as if to say something, but Victor cut him off swiftly. "Meeting adjourned," he declared, rising from his seat and effectively shutting down any further discussion.

Afterward, Victor lingered, talking to various department heads and managers. Today, he seemed more approachable than ever, his disarming smile making the tension in the room dissolve. He laughed at their jokes, shook hands, and appeared to be in high spirits—a far cry from his usual calculating self.

Eve sat at the back, observing the scene with a sense of unease. She couldn't help but wonder what he was plotting. Victor was never this...friendly, not without a reason.

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