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Name: Jard
Age: 19
Species: Human
Hight: 5'10
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexualuty: Straight
Relationship status: Single

Jard is a collage student who is in dept and worked for Elysium Corporation as a navigator to pay it off.

His job was to help lead teams around maps to location rare artifacts.

through he is supposed to have people with him when doing his job Elysium Corporation usually just sent him by himself to help limit casualties from Nextbots.

His job at Elysium Corp. payed pretty good but it wasn't enough so he started "sealing" and selling the artifacts to a shop owner named Galf.

The IRS has come after him once for not paying his taxes which was one of the main reasons he started selling to Galf.

After he was caught stealing the artifacts he managed to get away from Elysium Corp. And has been being hunted down ever since.

After leaving Elysium Corp. he stared renting a small apartment near Galfs shop and has been working jobs for him since then.

Galf also helps him pay his taxes cus he has absolutely no idea what he's doing.

Addicted to Eclipse Colas (I feel like everyone forgets the Evade colas have a brand name)
If he could marry colas he would.

Because of the insane amount of colas he has drinken it actually has made him a bit faster and have a bit more stamina then normal people somehow.

Nextbots seem to target him more then they do normal people but he has only actually been downed twice.

Has been "possessed" before.

Has a crush on a girl he meet at Elysium Corp. named Rose.

Has severe Claustrophobia.

We don't talk about his emo phase...

His parents disowned him >:(


Best friend with Bobo

Sees Galf as family

Friends with Deflect and Trooper

Has a crush on Rose

Enemy's with Rebel

Word count: 323
(I actually got more then 300 this time :0)

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