1: Decorating for Halloween!

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It was officially October, which meant five more weeks before Halloween. You were walking down the streets to work when you noticed almost every house was already decorated for the holiday. You couldn't help but stop and admire each person's hard work and creativity. Seeing all the different spooky decorations and Halloween props gave you many ideas and inspiration for the task you would do later.

As you walked further down the street and into the city, shopping centers and small businesses were also decked out with seasonal decorations. However, there was a building that stood out like a sore thumb. It was no other than the cozy cafe you began working at not too long ago. Compared to the rest, it appeared worn down and dull. Nonetheless, you loved this place. Serving customers on the regular was something that brought you joy even though you were paid the bare minimum and faced with a few stressful dilemmas every now and then.

"(Y/N), there you are! We're just about to open and I need your help. We're shorthanded, so I need you to arrange the tables and set up the 'specials' menu while I work in the kitchen." one of your coworkers explained as you walked through the door. "Do you think you can do that?" You nodded in response and put on your apron, getting to work immediately.

First, you grabbed the foldable chalkboard from the back and wrote the list of drinks and food that would be on sale and only be around for the fall season. When you were done, you set the board just outside the door so customers could see the menu before entering. Next, you unstacked the chairs and put them in their appropriate places at each table. Then you went around to each table and wiped them down before setting out the silverware, salt and pepper shakers, and napkins.

Just as you were finishing up, you heard the bell above the door jingle. Your head whipped around as you saw the first customer of the day enter through the door. "Good morning! What can I get started for you two?" You greeted the two men with a smile as you rushed over to the register. One of them was bald and wearing what appeared to be a hero costume, and the other appeared to be half cyborg and half human. Though they seemed to be heroes, you didn't recognize them.

"Apologies. This is our first time here. What would you recommend?" The cyborg guy asked.

"I'm glad you asked! Today we're having a special called the 'Grand Slam', a highly-rated breakfast platter that consists of eggs, steak, french toast, hashbrowns, and fresh fruit! Also, there's the 'Pancake Mayhem' which is eight large buttermilk pancakes topped with whipped cream and maple syrup! Whichever you choose is served with coffee, milk, or orange juice."

"Hmm, both sound pretty good but also pretty expensive." The bald man said.

"Oh, and I forgot to mention! If you can eat everything on your plate in under thirty minutes, it's absolutely free!" you declared with a bright smile.

"Really?! Did you hear that, Genos? If we can finish eating in under thirty minutes, it's FREE!"

"That sounds like a good deal. I think I'll try the breakfast platter with coffee. What about you?" The cyborg asked him.

"I think I'll have the pancakes! Oh, and milk is fine."

"Alright, sounds good!" you said as you punched in the total on the register and handed them their table number. "Take a seat wherever you'd like. I'll have it right out as soon as possible!"

As you normally did, you headed to the kitchen and prepared the food and drinks. You brought out the drinks first and then the food about twenty minutes later on a large tray. The two alleged heroes thanked you as you sat two huge plates of food in front of them.

"Wow, this looks really good! I can't wait to dig in!" The bald man exclaimed.

"Enjoy! Let me know if you need anything else." you said as you turned to walk back to the register to continue taking orders. As time went by, you glanced over at them to see how they were doing. A chuckle escaped your lips as you watched them compete against one another to see who could finish their food first. The cyborg was the first to successfully finish before time was up, leaving the bald guy looking defeated. "Congratulations! Genos, was it? Come with me and I'll give you your prize!" you instructed as you led him to the front counter.

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