6: The Fun Begins!

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With your eyes shut tight, you awaited your impending doom. You felt whatever had pounced on you walk across your stomach and chest, stopping at your collarbone. You cringed at the weird grumbling sounds as it got closer, and braced to be eaten alive by the seemingly four-legged creature. 

However, instead of feeling teeth chomping down into your flesh, you instead felt a rough tongue lick the left side of your face. Confused, you opened your eyes and saw a black, yellow-eyed cat standing on top of you mere inches from your face. 

"(Y/N), are you okay? What happened?!" Garou asked as he rushed over to you.

You let out a sigh of relief and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just a cat." She purred as you repeatedly ran your hand across her back, gushing over how cute she was. 

"Well that's a relief, She must've got in through a window." he said while reaching out his hand to help you up. You took his hand and he pulled you up as you held the feline in your other arm.

"Yeah. Good thing it wasn't an intruder. I was starting to worry you'd have to fight a criminal, or worse another monster. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt again." you admitted.

"Ha! Well, you don't have to worry about that. I would've handled them just fine sweetheart, trust me." he said with a wink and confident smirk. 

You were caught offguard by the nickname and blushed uncontrollably. You laughed it off and said, "Sure, whatever you say, wolf boy. Anyway, what should we do with her? I was thinking about taking her home with me. She doesn't have a collar, so she must be a stray."

"Doesn't matter to me, she's all yours. The last thing I need is another troublemaker." You stuck your tongue at him because of his rather rude remark. He chuckled at your reaction and said, "We'll leave her here for the time being. I think I've got some tuna in the fridge. Let's put out a bowl so she'll have something to eat while we're gone."

"Good idea."

After Garou set out a bowl of tuna, you put the feline down and she ran over to the bowl immediately devouring it. "Wow, she must've been starving. Maybe that's why she came in here."

"Yeah, you're probably right." you said. "What do you think we should name her? I was thinking Casper since she gave me quite a scare!"

"Nice choice, I like it." he said with a nod. "Well, are you ready to go? It'll be getting dark soon."

"I'm ready when you are."

With that being said, you both left the mansion and walked side by side through the foggy streets of the desolate town. Eventually, the two of you stumbled upon the city streets where fall festivals were going on. People were out shopping, eating at food booths, and trick or treating with friends and family, so the streets were crowded.

As you walked, you tried to stick next to Garou but got wedged between people and lost track of him. Before you knew it, you were surrounded by strangers in an instant with no way to escape. In front of you a couple with a crying child walked slow, a lady with a dog was to your right, someone riding a scooter was to your left, and a sea of people was behind you. Irritated, you tried peeking around people's shoulders to see, but you couldn't spot him anywhere.

"Garou, where did you go?!" you called out, hoping he'd answer back. When you didn't get a response, you began to panic a little. He was the only one who knew the location of the pumpkin patch. If you got lost in this part of town, you weren't certain if you'd be able to find your way out.

About five minutes passed since you got seperated from him and you felt a hand grab yours out of nowhere. Your heart leaped into your throat as it happened and yelped when whoever it was pulled you through the crowds. With no other choice, you pushed past people, apologizing and excusing yourself as you did so. 

A Date with a Monster! | Garou x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now