2: Monster Encounter

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Your heart pounded against your chest as the monster peaked around the building. A menacing, sinister smile formed on its face upon spotting you and Garou. With no other choice, you ran in the opposite direction to find a safe place to hide, leaving your friend to fight the monster alone.

As you ran, you stumbled upon a large truck and quickly ducked behind it. You peeked around the side and watched as Garou prepared for battle. He put back on his wolf mask and positioned himself in a fighting stance as the monster sneered at him. "HA! You must have some sort of death wish! You don't have what it takes to defeat me!"

Garou smirked and said, "Oh, we'll see about that."

"My, aren't we cocky? Don't worry, I'll put you in your place in no time!"

The monster was the first to make a move, swinging its arms wildly while bashing through nearby buildings and bridges, throwing around cars like it was nothing. Garou managed to dodge each attack while using nearby objects as a shield. He moved around swiftly and with precision, keeping his eyes on the monster, learning his every move.

When Garou found an opening, he went in close and attacked his weak spot using one of his martial arts moves. It was a critical hit and the monster crashed into a building, tumbling down with it. Your eyes widened in surprise. "Has he gotten stronger?"

You had seen him face many monsters and heroes before, but none like this. Yet, although the monster was twice his size, he completely knocked him to the ground. However, the monster wasn't willing to give up so easily. He stood up and dusted himself off, preparing to go another round.

"Hmph, I guess you're stronger than I thought. Oh well, I haven't had a good challenge in a while, so don't hold back, okay? Now watch as I, the true monster, claim victory!!" Garou shouted, his words echoing throughout the vicinity.

"Garou, please be careful!" you internally exclaimed, hoping he wouldn't get himself killed.

After a long and grueling battle, Garou was the one who stood victorious against the monster who now lay lifeless on the ground. You were shaking and crying by the time it was over. The state your friend was in didn't look good. His mask had fallen off during the battle, revealing his messed-up face. The rest of his body was all bloody and battered as well. He was barely able to stand.

You were about to rush over to him when you felt a large hand grab you from behind and lift you up. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Today must be my lucky day! You'll make for a great snack!!" A deep, menacing voice spoke to you, making your blood run cold.

You looked up and froze like a deer in headlights. "A-Another monster?!" Remembering the monster outbreak that occurred near your hometown not too long ago brought back haunting memories. It ended in a bloodbath with dead bodies scattered everywhere, some of them completely unrecognizable. The thought that you were about to potentially face the same gruesome fate terrified you.

"N-No, please! Let me go!!" you shouted as you tried to fight back, but it was useless. The monster let out a sinister laugh as he lowered you closer to his mouth and opened wide, revealing rows of sharp teeth. You screamed in horror as tears fell from your face. "No, I don't want to die! Not like this!!"

Just when you thought your life was over, you felt something rush right past you. Suddenly the monster let go and you began falling to the ground. You shut your eyes tight, bracing for impact. Fortunately, you were caught in time before hitting the cement. As your eyes fluttered open, you realized that Garou was holding you in his arms, glaring intensely at the monster. You turned your head and noticed the monster's arm had been cut clean off.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Garou asked as he redirected his attention to you.

"Yeah, I think so. Thanks for the save." you replied, pink dusting your face.

"We're not out of the woods yet. Now hang on tight, we're getting out of here." You did as he said and wrapped your arms around his neck firmly. He turned and started sprinting in the opposite direction of the monster, aware that he was in no shape to continue fighting even if he wanted to. With whatever strength and energy Garou had left, he made it his mission to get you back home safely.

"Hey! You bastard! Where do you think you're going?! Get back here!!" the monster called out as he began chasing. Fortunately, Garou was able to lose him by cutting through a couple of alleyways and getting on a train at the subway station. When the train took off, you let out a sigh of relief and relaxed your tense shoulders.

After fifteen minutes or so, the train stopped. You and Garou continued walking together until you finally reached your apartment. You rummaged in your pocket for the key and unlocked the door. As you walked in you said, "Make yourself at home! In the meantime, I'll go to the store and get some bandages and a change of clothes."

"Wait, are you sure? What if you run into a monster or something?" he asked with concern.

"Nah, I'll be fine. It won't take long, the store is just up the street."

"Well, alright then. I'm gonna go clean up. Call me if you need anything."

With a deep breath, you stepped outside again and went down the streets to the convenience store. When you made it inside safe and sound, you walked over to the aisle filled with first aid supplies and medications. You looked around and found some bandages and ointment you thought would help with the type of wounds Garou sustained.

Next, you headed over to the men's clothes section. Since you didn't have any clothes that would fit him back at home, you thought buying him some to wear in the meantime was the best decision. "I could've run by his place and picked up his clothes, but his place is across town, and there's no way I'm risking running into another monster!" you thought to yourself, knowing the likeliness of surviving against another one, especially on your own, was slim to none.

Without further ado, you looked through the different racks of shirts and pants that were his size, and styles you thought he'd like. After much contemplation, you picked out a black shirt with wolves on it and a pair of grey sweatpants that you were confident he'd like.

When you were done shopping, you paid for everything and headed home.

"I'm back!" you announced as you walked through the door. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I had a hard time picking out some clothes for you to wear. I hope you like--" You froze in place, your heart leaping to your throat.

Garou was sitting on the couch wrapped in nothing but a towel when you walked in. It caught you off guard even though you knew you should've expected it. With a deep shade of crimson on your face and your heart racing, you slowly made your way over to him with the bag of clothes and bandages in hand. You kept your head down and eyes glued to the floor because you knew if you dared to look at him, you might actually faint.

"Ahem, um anyway, here's the clothes I picked out for you. I hope you like them. There's also some bandages and ointment in there for your wounds." When you spoke, your voice sounded much shakier than you would've liked, which made you feel even more flustered.

He smirked upon noticing how bashful and nervous you suddenly became. At that moment he had a devious idea. "Ah shit, I think my wrist is broken. I won't be able to treat my wounds on my own. Think you can help me out?" he asked as he held his wrist, pretending to be in pain.


A Date with a Monster! | Garou x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now