3: Catching Feelings?

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Internally you were freaking out as you reluctantly lifted your head to meet his gaze. The way he looked at you with a pained and pleading expression made you feel weak in the knees. You swallowed hard and uttered, "You're saying, y-you want me to bandage your wounds?"

He stood up from the couch noticing your anxious demeanor. "You don't want to? Even after I saved you? How cruel. And here I thought we were friends who had each other's backs no matter what. Was I wrong to think that?"

"N-No! It's just that--"

"It's okay. I get it. I guess I'll just have to fight through the pain and deal with it myself." he said as he grabbed the bag and carried it to the bathroom. How he spoke, you could tell he was being dramatic on purpose just to toy with your emotions. Even so, you didn't want to seem like a complete jerk and brush him off.

"Wait, stop!" you yelled out as you rushed over to him, grabbing him by the wrist. He stopped in his tracks, a smirk forming on his face with his back turned to you. "I never said I wouldn't do it, now did I? Now hand over the bag."

"Hah, I knew you couldn't resist." he said as he complied. You both walked back down the hallway to the living room, your heart fluttering wildly in your chest the entire time. You sat the bag down on the couch and got out the ointment, preparing yourself mentally for what you were about to do.

"Oh, wait. First I'll need to use an antiseptic to disinfect the wounds. Hold on and let me go grab some. I'll be right back." you said as you rushed to the bathroom. You rummaged through the cabinets and eventually found an antiseptic and cotton balls to apply it with. Once you had everything you needed, you returned to the living room to assess his wounds.

With a deep breath, you took a look at his back. Your eyes widened in shock and immediately you felt sick to the stomach. He had a few large gashes and lacerations across the upper part of his back and a bunch of smaller cuts and bruises in other places on his back, shoulders, and arms. "Be honest with me. Does it look bad?" Garou asked.

"I-It's awful! Worse than I imagined it would be." you replied, feeling guilty and a bit responsible for his terrible wounds. "Alright, I'm going to apply the antiseptic first. Sorry, it might sting a bit, but it's necessary to prevent infection. The quicker we get this done, the faster it'll heal." You poured some antiseptic onto a cotton ball and gently dabbed it onto each cut. He tensed up a bit, but he took it quite well. "Okay, you can turn around and I'll attend to any on the front."

Several emotions hit you like a tidal wave as he turned to face you. His arms, chest, and abdomen looked no different from his back. Like before, you proceeded to pour more antiseptic onto a cotton ball and dab it onto each wound. As you did so, you were shaking and tears threatened to pour from your eyes. Garou noticed and grabbed you by the wrist, making you stop.

"Hey. You know I was only teasing you before, right? You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I can take care of the rest." he said earnestly.

"No, I have to do this! It's my fault you got hurt. If I weren't so weak and cowardly, you wouldn't have to step in and save me every time." you exclaimed as tears fell down your face.

"Don't blame yourself for this. I stepped into the fight and willingly put my life on the line because I wanted to. Sure I did it to protect you, but there was another reason." he said as you looked up at him to meet his gaze. "I did it to become the strongest monster and the epitome of fear! When these mere scratches heal, I'll bounce back stronger than ever! Then, no one will be able to defeat me, and no one will dare to lay a hand on you ever again!" he declared with a confident smile.

Your brows raised in awe, and your face turned a light shade of pink. You smiled and said, "You've always been so confident and determined to achieve your goals no matter what, pushing past every difficult obstacle that stands in your way. I've always liked that about you. I feel so lucky to have you in my life."

A Date with a Monster! | Garou x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now