Chapter 8

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(Few weeks later)

Tomorrow Harry was leaving on tour for three months. I wasn't in the greatest mood and this didn't help. I was nervous about if he would be back for the baby's birth. I was already starting to show. Plus we had a doctor appointment in four days to find out what it is.

"Babe, where are you?"

"I'm in the room harry!"

"Are you ok? Darcy said you were upset?"

"Upset? Noooo! Why would I be upset? Im only about five months pregnant with a two year old to look after and with out my boyfriends help for three months."

"Love, we talked about this? Everything's going to work out, remember?"

"No Harry what I remember was Dani rushing me to the hospital, and you barly arriving to see Darcy born."

"Babe, this isn't how I wanna spend my last day fighting with you. Please."

"Whatever harry I'm going for a walk! Bye!"

I went to the park around the comer from our flat. I realized what I did. Hormonal mood swings while pregnant aren't the best. I wanted to go back and fix things with Harry. I knew I was wrong. Just then I heard a little voice that I loved so much.


It was my Darcy with Harry standing next to her with ice cream in both of his hands.

"Hello baby, what are you doing here?"

"Datty wanted to bring you ice cream"

"He did? Well isn't daddy just the best daddy in the world?"

"Yeah! I got chacolate!"

I walked to Harry and looked in to his green eyes. He was my other half and I hated when we weren't ok. Even if it was a little fight. I grabbed the ice cream before grabbing his hand.

"Babe? I'm sorry I- I wasnt.."

"Love, don't worry about it. Ok? Let's just enjoy today, cause in like 18 hours I'm not going to be able to hold your hand for three months."

I smiled and nodded. We walked hand in hand with Darcy running along in front of us. I was happy, but wished harry didn't have to leave tomorrow. I knew tomorrow was gonna be hard. From saying goodbye to the next three months with out my loves help. I wouldn't be able to hug or kiss him, but out of all that I wouldn't have the moments or seeing my Darcy and her daddy have cute moments. I guess when harry leaves ill have my Darcy to remind me of her daddy. She was so much like him anyways.

We walked an pushed Darcy on the swing for a bit before we went home to help Harry pack. I could already feel my eyes getting heavy. I knew it was only three months but the boys have been doing stuff in the city and making their album, for the past two years. It was gonna be hard, Darcy has never been away from her dad since she was born. What would she think for the next three months? That he left us? Or he left her?

"All done! Now what do you want to do?"

"It's up to you, whatever you want"

"Babe? What's wrong?"

"Nothing... I'm just nervous I mean since Darcy was born she hasn't been away from you. What is she gonna think her daddy left her? I don't want her to think that cause I know you wouldn't do that to her. And this baby, you were gone for a month with Darcy in me and now three months with this one? I'm just scared."

"Babe? Look at me I'm still gonna be with you every step of the way. Just on the phone call and a text away. We're gonna get though it and were gonna do it together!"

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