My alarm clock goes off at 6:00 and I'm dreading getting out of bed, last night I was stuck up all night studying with Carrie. I walk into school to find Riley and Beth going over notes and I'm a bit annoyed. Before I can go say hi to them, Carrie comes out of no place and gets right in front of my face like she has something really important to say "HI", she says right in my face and talks all about the project when all I can think about is Riley and Beth. We walk into class right as the first period bell rings. "Today is the day my disect the rabbits", Mr.G says. When he is passing out the tools...and the dead and may I repeat dead rabbits. No body is excited so I figured we better get started and when I turn around Carrie has already shredded into the rabbit already. "GROSS" I say After awhile of tearing the rabbit up I start to fell a bit of an ache arrive in my tummy. I ask to go get some fresh air outside and out of their I go. Go up to the front of the room to get my hall pass to leave the room. I am part relieved that I got out of their but my ache is hurting a lot so I'm only part relieved. When I get out to the hall nobody is really in the hallway except for Miss. Lucy who is our janitor. I push open the big doors to go outside. It's humid and hot outside so it's not as refreshing as I hoped but it's better than being in class with the dead rabbit smell. I go to sit on the bench where Riley and I normally sit but not lately. Every time I go to see her that annoying Carrie gets in my way. I decide to go back to class cause it's getting really hot. I'm walking back to class and start to feel dizzy. I push open the door but instead of walking to my table with Carrie I lose control of my body and collapse on the ground without a word I drift off to sleep.

In a Heartbeat
Teen Fiction13 year old Ashlynn lives in Los Vegas as an ordinary teenager with high hopes of becoming a singer. She quickly falls ill with heart failure and faces the obstacles and challenges of being a sick kid in the hospital with big dreams in life. Just to...