"Hi guys" Ashlynn says as she sees her friends in the front of her school. But right before she gets to talk to her friends the school bell rings. Ashlynn's first class is biology which is her least favorite class since Kodak the have to disect a rabbit. "Worst class ever", Ashlynn's best friend, Riley says to her " I mean who wants to take guts out of a rabbit right"? "Totally" Ashlynn says back. They walk in the class as their teacher Mr. Gonzalez greets them at the door. Mr.G as the class calls him walks to the front of the room and announces what their project will be today even though everybody knows already. Her classmates all count down the days until the most dreaded assignment all year. Even though the assignment is bad at least I'm partners with Riley, Ashlynn thinks in her head. Just then Mr.G speaks words that have only been a nightmare to Ashlynn and Riley. He is picking new lab partners. "Riley and Beth you are partners and Ashlynn and umm... How about Carrie you two can partner up. I'm still dreading my lab partner as Mr.G is still reading off the list of partners. "I mean why do I have to be partners with the biggest GEEK in this whole world"? After biology class Carrie comes up to me and Riley. "Hey guys, so I was kinda sorta wondering if Ashlynn could come over to study tonight for our rabbit dissecting project"? "Ummm...let me just go talk to Riley alone for a minute", says Ashlynn. "Can we hang out tonight so I don't have to study with HER"? Says Ashlynn. "Sorry Ashlynn, I feel really really bad for you but I told Beth that we could study tonight",says Riley. I walk over to Carrie and say "Surprisingly I am open for studying", I say in a fake enthusiastic voice but not so she would notice it. "Ok great see you at 6:00", Carrie says back to me

In a Heartbeat
Novela Juvenil13 year old Ashlynn lives in Los Vegas as an ordinary teenager with high hopes of becoming a singer. She quickly falls ill with heart failure and faces the obstacles and challenges of being a sick kid in the hospital with big dreams in life. Just to...