Imagina Shorts #317

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Imagina Shorts #317

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Aurora: Sola? What happened in your school?
Sola: Oh?
Aurora: Was that you? The one who made the beacon?
Sola: Eh? No!
Aurora: I saw it from here. It is blue.
Sola: It was my classmate.
Aurora: Oh... Was that Luna?
Sola: No.
Aurora: oh.

Fury: *rests in the balcony* (My lungs are still painful!) >~<
Luna: Hey.
Fury: Hey. Your lung still painful too?
Luna: Uhuh. Don't lay down when sleeping, okay?
Fury: I know...
Luna: ... Hey.
Fury: Hm?
Luna: I see you maining with soil, huh?
Fury: Yeah.
Luna: My main is nature. We could get along ^-^
Fury: Oh. I see.
Luna: Haah. Aren't you supposed to deal with the beacons, Fury?
Fury: Yeah. But I'm thinking it's too general. Anybody can deal with that! It isn't my sole responsibility! Hmph. And... I'm still on my early stage. I'm still learning.
Luna: Yeah... I like how you said it, Fury.
Fury: You do?
Luna: "Early stage". That means you still have more to go, right?
Fury: U... Uhuh.
Luna: Great! I can join you! ^-^
Fury: Haha. Yeah. (Luna really do love adventures.) ...


Fury: Hey, Luna.
Luna: Hm?
Fury: How did we lose against something we are strong against?
Luna: Well... They cheated!
Fury: Kind of... But- Actually; how did Blueberry managed to make a calamity on the first place?
Luna: I dunno. The power of friendship?
Fury: Hehe. The power of friendship to end the world.
Luna: Hehe... *offers her palm*
Fury: ...?

Luna stretches her arm onto Fury. Since their balcony is an alleyway apart, it is kind of far to reach.

Fury: *stretcher his arm* >~<
Luna: >~<
Fury: *swings his arm*

Tap. Their fingers touched.

Luna: Yay!
Fury: Woah. I can reach you?
Luna: Here I go, Fury! I'm gonna make a calamity so strong like our friendship! Haaaaah!-Ow! I shouldn't yell on the top of my lungs! My luuungs! >~<
Fury: ... Maybe it's not.
Luna: Hm?
Fury: Maybe... being a messiah means capable of ending the world, not saving it.
Luna: Ending the world is just saving it from it's own misery -u- Also; which world or which universe?
Fury: ... *looks up*

The stars so small reminds of the vast space. Maybe this one. What else would it be — only means there are more. Luna is really always onto something...

Fury: I'm scared.
Luna: Pfff! It'll be fine. It'll be great! Ain't it? You're one of a kind!
Fury: I don't want to be responsible... How about you, Luna? What if you're the messiah?
Luna: Oh? I'll start killing monsters and leveling up!
Fury: If only we're a game. This is not how it works.
Luna: I know, but I'd kill dragons and beasts! Don't you know there are dragons and beasts?
Fury: Really? Well, there are dragons and mythical stuffs I know, but...
Luna: Oh. You don't know, Fury. He don't know, everybody!
Fury: I don't know!
Luna: Maybe one day, you'll be slaying gods like no one can imagine.
Fury: Stop with that RPG thoughts!
Luna: And Fury's gonna choose between good ending or bad ending! What a climax!
Fury: Yeah. I'm sleeping now. Goodnight-
Luna: And Fury's gonna have a dream that'll draw his fate and bewarned about the path he's fallen onto~ Oh~ Tell me if it is me who warns you, okay?
Fury: Yeah. Whaever.
Luna: Nevermind! I'm always part of your dream! ^-^
Fury: *went to the bedroom*
Luna: ...
Aurora: >:(
Luna: *GASP* M-Mom!! •u•;; (Frick.)

Fury sat on his bed and went to sleep.



Fury: ...

... bubbles...

Fury: ...

bubbles... bubbles...

Fury: ...

"Fury! Fury!"

Fury: ...?

"Fury! Fury! Fury! Fury!"

Fury: !!! (o-o)

Repetition of his name being called again. It is waking his senses up, but somehow unable to wake.

"Fury! Fury!"

Fury: (Where is that coming from?) *looked down*

"It's so wonderful. It feels like watching a city above the sky. Corals every corals, fishes every fishes... Thinking of it, the world breathing with the fishes is a great life too."

This is where Fury realized he is drifting slowly underwater.

Fury: (N-No! I can't!) ...

Bubbles, bubbles.

Fury: *calms down*

"fury... fury..."

The calling faded to zero.

Fury: (It's just a dream... It must be...) *stepped onto the ocean floor*

There are corals everywhere. Colorful.

Fury: *looked up*

There were sunlight before, but it must've been so deep that it cannot enter this place.

Fury: *walks the pathway*

There is this path that does't know how to lead. It is just a path that is not.

Pink Coral: What?! Are we dead?
Fury: !!! (Woah.)
Blue Coral: Yeah. Aren't we?
Pink Coral: Yeah? So?
Blue Coral: Yeah, so it won't make sense to be mad now.
Pink Coral: So just shut up!
Blue Coral: Okay...
Fury: ...

Fury walked a distance.

Yellow Coral: There must be something in here. The meaning... The reason... Hey. Do you know the reason?
Fury: (M-Me?)-
Cyan Coral: Shhh~ Don't talk to the dreamer. You know why he's here.
Yellow Coral: Why is he here?
Cyan Coral: Isn't he dead?
Yellow Coral: Oh. Is that so? Then... why is he here?
Cyan Coral: Just leave him alone. He knows.
Fury: (Dead?)

But Fury looks living!

Fury walked a distance.

Red Coral: Ahahaha! We're dead! Oh what fun!
Purple Coral: What's the fun of this? We can't do anything! ...
Red Coral: That's right! We don't get to do anything! Isn't that great?
Purple Coral: I... I guess so.
Orange Coral: Yeah. Just be chill like our little buddy in here.
Fury: (Hello.)
Orange Coral: Do you need something?
Fury: (I need a direction.)
Orange Coral: Oh. You don't need that. You can't go anywhere.
Fury: (... Okay...)

Fury walked a distance.

Fury: (Huff...)
Green Coral: Yay! A company!
Fury: (Eh? H-Hello there...)
Green Coral: Aw. You're dead.
Fury: (Am I?)
Green Coral: It's okay. The view from here is amazing, isn't it?

Yeah. Colorful emotions.

Green Coral: Are you happy?
Fury: (Huh? Y-Yeah...) ...

Suddenly, the corals from far away started decaying into grey.

Green Coral: Ah. You are dead. See?
Fury: (What the... What is happening?)
Green Coral: Oh well... I will be greyed out too. Bye-bye!

The corals are now grey.

Fury: ...?


Fury: ... (Well, THIS is now happy...) *sits down*


Just an empty vast of loneliness...

Fury: ...


Pure silence... No bubbles...

Fury: ...


Is it eerie or comfort?

Fury: ...


A living city is now just a remnant.

Fury: ...


Do you think this is the end?

Fury: ...


How can you be able to talk if you are dead?

Fury: ...


It is not talking. It is just a memory.

Fury: ...


Somehow I love this.

Fury: ...


Are there still sunlight up there though?

Fury: ...


If this is the end, then this is somehow acceptable.

Fury: ...


I feel satisfied.

Fury: ...


How much longer will I have to breathe?

Fury: ...


End this already.

Fury: ...


End this. Be rested.

Fury: ...


Leave thy in peace. Rest in peace.

Fury: ...


Rest in peace.

Fury: ...?

Good morning!

Fury: ... ah.

Top of the morning, Fury. The sun is already high. You gonna cook breakfast or what?

Fury: (I'll just pass breakfast for today.)


Chrona: (Where the hell is she? It is already 11!) Huff...
Shainē: Huwah! >~<
Chrona: Woah! You finally came! what happened to our 10 o'clock?
Shainē: I-sorry! I'm... huff... I looked for you in this mall! >~<
Chrona: Yeah? I said I was in Shrumpy's. What's hard to find?
Shainē: I didn't know where Shrumpy's is! >~<
Chrona: Ah...
Shainē: Are... you okay?
Chrona: Yeah?
Shainē: Y-You look exhausted.
Chrona: As if waiting is exhausting.
Shainē: •u•;; (This is my fault! Everything is my fault!)

Chrona opened her phone to check something.

Chrona: You see; 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. is us playing some games or anything, then 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. is lunch. We don't get to play because of you.
Shainē: Sorry! >~<
Chrona: Let's eat now.
Shainē: Okay.
Chrona: ...
Shainē: ...?
Chrona: Where do you want to eat?
Shainē: I dunno. Shrumpy's
Chrona: Ew! I hate that place!
Shainē: Eh? B-But...
Chrona: But why am I here? Yeah. I am loitering them so they can lose profit.
Shainē: ... eeeeEEH?!

And then they ate at London's.

Chrona: ...
Shainē: ;;^-^ (The food here is great, but expensive!)
Chrona: (Yeah. Just enjoy your meal.) *looks at her phone*

• 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Just rest. A calm before the storm perhaps.)
• 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Magic study with her @grandpa's backyard)
• 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Travel club. Just on sanctuaries here and there. Maybe test some eq too.)
• 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (City walk. Might also start shopping in here. Remember the routes.)
• 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Last treat. She could've been hungry from all of that. At least I have pity.)

Chrona: Heh.


Phoperus is walking on street.

Sigma: Hey! Phoperus! Great to see ya!
Phoperus: (Oh no.)
Sigma: Oh? You have a little sister, huh? I didn't know that.
Phoperus: Ah-no.
Phoperus's Mom: Oh. Do you know him, Pho?
Phoperus: He's my classmate.

Pho and his mom reached closer to Sigma who's resting on his motorpedo among the other motorpedos.

Sigma: What meets the town, you two?
Phoperus: Sigma; my mom, Erlen. Mom; Sigma, my classmate.
Sigma: (Wait. Did he just said "mom"?) ^-^;; Errr...
Erlen: Oh. Didn't expect for people like you to be in school, especially in academy.
Sigma: (Yowch!) I do, ma'am. Street is just where I usually folly. I am also a hardworking student I honest.
Erlen: Is that right, Pho?
Phoperus: Yes. He's... good.
Sigma: Riding around the town had been my hobby, and if you need to go somewhere, *pats his motorpedo* I can take you there ;)
Erlen: No thanks. Pho have his family car to take him to school and back.
Sigma: Car? *looks around*
Erlen: Ah. No. We're going to the dentist and it is just right this alleyway, so no need to wheel that.
Sigma: Ah. Yes. That dental over there. Dr. Druth, right?
Erlen: It is written on the sign.
Sigma: ^-^;; (I-I promise I know him! >~<) Phoperus has a cavity?
Erlen: Ah. Not Pho. Me.
Sigma: ...? (E-Erlen? But... Eh?)
Erlen: We will go now. See ya down the street.
Sigma: Have a good smile!... after that. (God >~<)

Phoperus and his mom went to the dentist.

Sigma: ... (Guff! Seems like I have to adjust myself to keep up with Phoperus's league! He's a rich person actually!) >~<


Shainē: ^-^;; (B-B-Big building... Big house.)
Chrona: *insets a key on a lock*

Their gate has this keyhole on the side that needs to be inserted. No. Don't worry about lockpickers. You'll find out soon.

Chrona: Get in.
Shainē: >~<;;
Chrona: Don't be afraid. There's no dog or something.
Shainē: *gets in*

Shaine's heartbeat is peaking! Is it just an excitement or being defensive because you're in an unfamiliar place? I can't guess, but Shainē's face seems hinting the second one.

Chrona: *is opening the door-*
Shainē: Ah! AAAH!!! *pulls Chrona*
Chrona: What!-
Shainē: A snake! A snaaake!!! .>~<. (It's sooo big!!)
Chrona: Calm down. That's just out pet Seth.
Shainē: Ah! P-P-Pet?

Shaine's arm releases grasp as loss in panic (but still in concern). It also left an imprint on Chrona's body.

Chrona: Oof.
Shainē: S-Sorry!
Chrona: Don't worry. It doesn't bite.
Shainē: I don't believe that!
Chrona: It really don't. *gets to Seth* (Oh, Shainē.) *pets Seth*

Seth is a very big fat snake. I wonder what it eats?

Shainē: @~@;;
Chrona: There. Still afraid?
Shainē: Y-
Chrona: Why not you try it?
Shainē: N-No!! There's no way I'm petting that! >~<

The two finally entered the mansion.

Chrona's Mom: Good afternoon, honey.

Chrona's mom turned over holding tray of plates of pancakes.

Chrona's Mom: You brought a friend, right?
Chrona: Shainē.
Chrona's Mom: Hello ^-^
Shainē: G-Good anfternoon >~<
Chrona's Mom: Oh! What happened to you?
Chrona: Oh.

These red painful-looking marks over Chrona's shoulder.

Chrona: Shainē got too afraid. If you heard the scream outside the house, then you probably know.
Chrona's Mom: I did heard a pitchy noise.
Shainē: ~_~ (My name is Shainē, the bringer of chaos.)
Chrona: Eat up. You're gonna need it.
Shainē: O-Okay >~<;;

The two classmates ate their pancakes. Shainē did a good job eating; despite holding such fine cutleries the first time.

Chrona led Shainē to the backyard. That gave Shainē a little bit of tour inside Chrona's home. There's also this specific crossing hallway with marble fountains with overwhelmingly detailed curvitures that even architects are confused on what they are about to see. This location also seems to be the center of the mansion.

Shainē: Woah...
Chrona: Shhh.
Shainē: ah. okie.

There is this man on a bench writing something on a big paper. He seems serious. Let's just respect the peace.

Chrona: *opens the door*

Birds and nature ambiance are now clear. It is also still early afternoon, but Chrona is on a schedule. They also went further to the woods; lightposts guiding them, and they reached a plain spot after a good amount of distance.

Chrona: Huff. Because we didn't get to fight yesterday, we are gonna do it today.
Shainē: Eh?
Chrona: Yeah. *drops her tote bag on a bench* Fight me.
Shainē: Iiia?!
Chrona: Fight me.
Shainē: B-But-
Chrona: Fight meeeee.
Shainē: ... (Okay. Here I go then.) *shoots Chrona with magic*
Chrona: ... That?
Shainē: I-
Chrona: That didn't even hurt!
Shaineē N-No! I-
Chrona: You think we're gonna win with that performance?
Shainē: Lemme try again!-
Chrona: And you've been acting nervous all the time!
Shainē: I'm sorry! >~<
Chrona: You know what? I'm gonna show you what would hurt. *extended her arm backwards*
Shainē: !!! Kyaaa!!
Chrona: *swings her arm*
Shainē: *ducks*

Swoosh! A huge wind just passed by.

Shainē: >~<;; ...?

Crackles. There are few branches that fell off. Just how strong that wind is to snap a branch away?

Chrona: ...
Shainē: (I'm sorry!) Haaah!!

Shainē stood up; surprising Chrona with a blast. Whack!

Chrona: !!! Uah! *fell*
Shainē: !!! Chrona!

Chrona was thrown. Shainē pulled Chona up from lying down.

Chrona: G-Good enough.
Shainē: eh. (n-no.)
Chrona: If you manage to faint me, I'll reward you.
Shainē: Eh? (Reward by hurting people?) >~<
Chrona: Haha! Just kidding! ... maybe~
Shainē: Your jokes are trash!

They just sit instead.

Chrona: Hey. Jacks and Roberto are our opponents, right?
Shainē: Yeah.
Chrona: Have you seen what their main magics are?
Shainē: Oh. Well... Uhh... I think I've seen Jacks using gold magics.


Jacks: *is converting pennies into quarters*
Ivan: That's cheating!
Thorey: Is that even allowed?
Jacks: Why aren't you guys supporting me? Of course it is not allowed, but we're talking about perfection~
Ivan: Perfection?
Jacks: To master counterfeit, you must shape the coin as perfect as it is.
Ivan: This is concerning, Jacks.
Jacks: The good thing about this is you can do this in game tokens too! Isn't that great?
Ivan: So that's what you've been doing all the time.
Jacks: What can you say, Robe?
Roberto: Uhhh...
Jacks: ???
Shainē: ...? Oh! Eh? (M-Me?)
Jacks: You can keep it. *offers the quarter*
Shainē: Oh... *takes Jacks's quarter*


Chrona: Oh? Where's the quarter now?
Shainē: I bought an ice cream with it. Can't believe it worked ^-^
Chrona: You're such a fraud.
Shainē: ^-^;; (It is not me! I swear!)



Fury: ...? (A crumple of paper. Must've been from Luna.)

Crumple. That one fell off.

Fury: ... *continues cleaning his bedroom*

....... Crumple.

Fury: (grrrr.) *goes back to cleaning*





Fury: (Stop throwing crumpled papers at my balcony, Luna!) *walks to the balcony*

Crumple. That hit Fury's face.

Fury: Ah! Hey!
Luna: Whoopsie! ^-^
Fury: -_-

Crumple. I mean that's what Fury's face looks like. (-_-)

Luna: *crumples Fury's face one more time*
Fury: You love hitting my face, don't you?
Luna: Of course, handsome~ -u-
Fury: -.- (This girl.) What are you even throwing at me? *picks up a crumpled paper* ...?

It is a drawing of a wooden plank serving as a pathway between Fury's and Luna's balcony. Seems dangerous.

Fury: *picks up another crumpled paper*

It is a drawing of a tin can telephone connected inside Fury's and Luna's apartment. Hmmm... I wonder how to pull this off without intervening the connected string.

Fury: *picks up a crumpled paper*

It is a drawing of a trampoline just right at the end of the balcony. This is far more dangerous than the plank one.

Fury: *picks up annnother crumpled paper*

It is a drawing of an eccentrically fancy bridge connecting their balcony. A fun and safer plank walk.

Fury: *picks up a crumpled paper*

It is a drawing of Luna with a quote written on big letters saying "I EXPLODE".

Fury: *looks at Luna*
Luna: *is spinning her pointy finger*
Fury: *looks at the back of paper*


Fury: -_- (What? >u<)
Luna: Pfff~ *giggles*
Fury: Yeah, yeah. Funny. (Luna is just the way she is.)
Luna: So... What do you think.
Fury: These are all stupid.
Luna: So we're gonna do it! ^-^
Fury: Rrright. (Stupid things.)
Luna: What do you think is the best?
Fury: The can telephone obviously.
Luna: *shows Fury two cans of corns* -u-
Fury: What?
Luna: You gonna help me eat this.
Fury: Oh, c'mon!

Fury and Luna are eating their corns in the can. A scoop and a bite and a scoop and a bite. They are also sitting on the ground.

Luna: Mmm~hehe. I love corn.
Fury: Why do you love corn so much?
Luna: Just like how you love your milk, Fury.
Fury: I guess I love my milk. (I really do.)
Luna: *munch, munch*

Luna is craving the can's insides with her spoon.

Luna: Can I have yours?
Fury: Yes. You can have mine.

Luna had Fury's can of corns.

Luna: *munch* What's your snacks by the way?
Fury: No. I don't have a snack. No! You took my snack!
Luna: Teehee~
Fury: ... Wait a minute. I didn't had breakfast!
Luna: What? Why?
Fury: I don't know. I woke up late. I also had nightmare- a dream.
Luna: Nice. What have you dreamt about?
Fury: Unnnderwater? Corals? And I'm also dead apparently?
Luna: Oooh. Hmmm... Why are you dead?
Fury: I dunno. I'm just dead.
Luna: Huh.
Fury: I'm also walking on the ocean bed with colorful corals around, and then the colors died out. Then I rested for a very long time; I mean VERY LONG time!
Luna: You always wake up late.
Fury: That's...
Luna: And you even skipped breakfast!
Fury: Uhuh. My bad.
Luna: Sigh.

Luna is hitting the tin bottom of the can.

Luna: I'll make the telephone now.
Fury: Sure.

Aurora: ???
Luna: *is cleaning the cans*
Aurora: ... (Wait. Did this happened before?)

⋆ ˚。⋆୨ 𝐃𝐞́𝐣𝐚̀ 𝐯𝐮! ୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆

Luna attatched a string on one of the cans, not attatching the string on the second can yet for adjustments.

Fury: There it is.
Luna: Here, Fury. Catch. *threw a can*


Fury: Ah!
Luna: Ah! Sorry!
Fury: -_-
Luna: Sorry! Fury! >~<
Fury: You like hitting my face, don't you?
Luna: I'm so sorry! >n<

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