Imagina Shorts #307

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Imagina Shorts #307

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A giant dark castle is floating in the sky.

Lordess Mania: Hmmm...

Mania walked around her castle.

Lordess Mania: Hmmm...

On a rooftop she is. There is this giant cannon.

Lordess Mania: Hmmm...

On her bedroom. Nothing much to see on her closet than hundreds of clothings.

Lordess Mania: Hmmm...

Outside is lively than expected honestly, but that doesn't mean something fun is happening.

Lordess Mania: Hmmm...
Jetser: Looking for something, my lordess?
Lordess Mania: Ah. No, no. Just walking around. Kinda tiring to sit in your throne all day.
Jetser: Want me to sit there instead?
Lordess Mania: -_-
Jetser: (An annoyed face is also a point!)

Jetser got 1 Jetser points from that.

Lordess Mania: *eats an a-* *inhale* Hhhhuuuufff~

Supposed to take a large bite on the apple, Mania instead gave a large yawn. That is -1 points for Jetser.

Jetser: -_-
Lordess Mania: Since we've taken the butterflies down, why don't we start taking over the world?
Jetser: Well, that's what our army is expecting after we won, but it's been months now, my lordess.
Lordess Mania: Oh.
Jetser: So... We gonna go with it?
Lordess Mania: Yeah. Seems like a good idea.
Jetser: Okay.
Lordess Mania: ... And much more entertaining than you.

A disgrace? That is -3 points for Jetser!

Jetser: -~-


Lordess Mania: Yeah. I want you to do that.
Michë: Yes, my lordess. C-Can you- uh-r-rev-
Lordess Mania: Go now. Be quick.
Michë: O-Okay.

Michë... She seems familiar. Have Fury encountered them before? Or have they encountered Fury before?

Michë: *casts a talisman to a bull*

This bull looks beefy! Anyway; it has a pendant now. Looks great, but the bulls are acting weird now.

Michë: *casts a talisman to a lion*

A pride went out of control, overpowering anything who get close, or if the pride itself get close.

Michë: *flies onto the next area*

Michë corrupted the fishes, the trees, even the sheeps in Concea!

Michë: Huh... Where is Fury?

Michë went inside the tree house.

Michë: ... Huh.

There are paintings to look around, some books to read... Oh look! There is this very big book and- a cat that just opened the fridge, grabbed a carton of milk, then closed the fridge.

Felipe: ...?
Michë: Uhhh...(?)
Felipe: *pours a milk on a glass*

Felipe... uh... is always like this?

Felipe: *passes a glass of milk to Michë*
Michë: ??!
Felipe: *pours another glass of milk*

Felipe sat down the carton of milk on the table and sat down on the table.

Felipe: Mrrrow.
Michë: Uhhh...


Fury: What?! B-But...
Jade: School days start next week. Our blimp only travels once a week. There will be no time for that.
Fury: The journal... and F-Felipe...
Luna: (The journal...) AND I LEFT THE DOOR OPEN- >~<;;
Fury: You left the door open?!
Luna: Yeah >~<;;
Fury: Don't worry. No one's gonna go there anyway. (Right?)


Michë: T... Thank you...

Michë took a sip of four on the glass of milk.

Michë: (Damn. Do I have to accompany this cat? Where is Fury and Luna and Sola anyway?) *looks around* (God! They might come back anytime soon.) -~-;;
Felipe: *hops out of the table*
Michë: (Huh?)

Looks like Felipe is going somewhere.


Fury: (o-o) (Felipe...)

Fury is having PTSD of that black rival cat.

Luna: Who's gonna water the plants?
Fury: Yeah...
Luna: •n•
Fury: -~-;;
Sola: (These two really are giving their problematic face, huh?) You can call doc, y'know.
Fury: ...
Luna: ...
Fury / Luna: !!! Right!

Fury grabbed his phone with rush.

Fury: *is dialing Dr. D*
Dr. D: Wh͞a̔͟t ͠da̺͛ ̴̹y̧͔ḁ̆ ̧̤̐n͟ee̛d̮,̕ ͡s̈́on?͍
Fury: -_- Don't call me son.
Dr. D: What is it a͙̋͏g͒́a͟i̸n̨͙?͑
Fury: Uh- can you water the plants on our tree house? And also feed Felipe?
Dr. D: ... Yes. (No.)
Fury: Okay. Good. Uh-And also; we forgot our journal there.

The call already ended.

Fury: Oh.
Luna: He really said yes and ended the call, huh?
Fury: Uhuh.
Jade: -_-
Fury: Huff... (I can now breath again with relief.)

They go on without noticing Jade's patience.

Jade: (Their life is more ìnteresting than me at least.)


Michë: *peeks inside the bedroom*
Felipe: *topples down the journal*

Plap. Some photos have fallen off.

Michë: Eh... *picks up the journal* (Damn. This is heavy!) *opens up the journal*

Happy memories were revealed at face of Michë.

Michë: Oooh~ (So this is Fury and Luna, huh?) Cute~! >\\\<

Before diving in, Michë got herself on top of the bed first. Michë then opened the journal on the assumingly first page.

Michë: Wooaah... (So cuuute!)

Flipping to the next page...

Michë: (They are the best couple!) >u<

Another flip...

Michë: (Luna's face looks cute!)

More flipping here...

Michë: (Haah... I wonder how it feels to be loved...)

We really are going through all the pages, huh?


Jade: Welcome to... Phy Academy.

Finally. After the tiring view of the heightening mechanical city, there's finally a dirt to step onto.

There is this hallway that leads to somewhere bright. There is also this crossing hallway to left and right as you can see, there are rooms that could be the facility or the office or the classroom. Jade however led them first to the bright hallway.

Fury: Woah...
Luna: •u•
Sola: (I see...)
Aurora: (This is wonderful actually.)

Phy Academy is built above a mesa mountain. This flat area is the best for any shenanigans of magic spells. The buildings are also U-shaped so the other half of the mountain is all but a field of practice. The view after the field though are the mines of Magnam on the far left and the beauty of the snow from this mountain to the sea. Such wow very amaze.

Aurora: Hey, Mr. Jade. I'll take care of my daugthers, y'know. You don't have to take us all to their room and such. You look...
Jade: ...
Aurora: ... tired...
Jade: ... (She's the only one who noticed.) *takes a sip of his coffe, then gave Aurora the papers for her daughters, and Fury for Fury* That's all you need to enroll for this. The office is- *looks behind, then points at left* -there. At the left. You'll see it there.

Aurora followed the direction, tailed by Sola, Luna, and Fury.

There are plenty of people enrolling right now, but after a while of waiting, their turn didn't lasted that long. As quick as the scholars are the priority, their room is already assigned for them. Room 2-28A. That is their classroom. On the U-shape we talked about earlier, that would be the second-floor room on the far right. Their uniform is also given right away.

After taking the elevator, there they are now. A few steps away from their assumption. And here they are, at the room these three are gonna spend their 10 months of studying. Just two rooms to the left and the building hit the end of it.

Fury, Luna, and Sola walked in.

Not that bad. Concrete foundation. Tables contains tho chairs each so you gotta have a seatmate for this. There is also this stage between the teacher's desk and the blackboard for some reason. The bookshelves are also well-fed with books. There are windows to the balcony and to the mail hallway. This is nice.

Luna: Hey. Fury. Where are you gonna sit?
Fury: *is already sitting beside the window*

Just right beside the sky view. Just how protagonists are supposed to be.

Luna: (Okay then.) *sits beside Fury*
Fury: *is looking at the sky* This is where I'll be looking at 99% of the time.
Luna: And not my face?
Fury: I've already seen that 99% of the time.
Luna: -_-

It is now Sola's time to take a sit.

Sola: (Honestly, being in the front is way better because you'd absorb the lessons more clearly. Front center is good enough.) *sits right in front of the teacher's desk* ... (Yes.)

The three left the room after three minutes of inspection.

Aurora: Do your best, Luna, okay? I don't want any reports of your nonsense, especially today that I have to take a train just to meet your principal or counselor guidance.
Luna: Okay >~<
Aurora: And you, Sola. Take care of your sister.
Sola: Understood.

Yeah. No kidding. They have to take a train from their subdivision to the academy. Well, transportation fee is free, right?

Jade: You just gotta show them your school ID. Students are free to ride trains here. *whispers* However for scholars like you; only on Phy Express, you may show your symbol. *not whispering anymore* But there are school bus anyway, but train is faster since you four are on the subdivision.
Aurura: Okay. So... Is that all?
Jade: *takes a sip* (Hmmm...) ... Just call me whenever you need something. Bye.

Oh. There goes Jade. He seems like sick of this.

Aurora and the kids went back on their apartment.

Everytime they ride a train, they have to show their hips on the ticket booth (of course they go inside) just to have a free ticket. About Aurora; she has enough money for everything. Don't worry about her.

Fury: ...
Luna: ...
Fury: (Our journal...)


Michë: Kawaiiiii~♥︎

Yep. Still looking at those pictures.


Luna: W-We cound just buy another journal and combine it to the original after, right?
Fury: Sssure...


An army of sheep is destroying Villa Concea. Too many sheep actually. Villa Concea is over, dude. Buildings are on fire and militaries haven't saved half of the city yet. Jesus! I mean- Furious!

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