"Before the Tornado"

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The rain pelted against the windshield, a steady rhythm like a countdown before the chaos. Inside the truck, the air felt thick with tension, heavier than the storm outside. Faith could hear the wind howling, the roar of thunder growing louder, but all she could focus on was Tyler sitting beside her, his hand still resting on hers.

She didn't pull away, and neither did he.

"Faith," he began, his voice low and cautious, as if testing the waters. His eyes, normally so full of mischief, were serious now, searching hers for some kind of answer.

Faith's heart raced, and she swallowed hard, suddenly aware of how close they were. Her mind was a blur of conflicting emotions—desire, fear, confusion. Everything about Tyler made her want to run and stay at the same time.

"I—" Faith started, but the sound of a loud bang outside cut her off. Both of them snapped their heads toward the window, the storm raging with a fury neither had anticipated.

Tyler's hand tightened around hers instinctively. "We've got to ride this out," he said, his tone more focused now. He let go of her hand and grabbed the radio. "Javi, Scott, report. What's your status?"

Static crackled over the radio for a moment before Javi's voice came through, muffled but clear. "We're all right. Wind's picked up fast, though. You two good?"

Tyler glanced at Faith, who nodded silently. "Yeah, we're good. Tornado's forming about three miles northwest. Looks like it's heading right for us."

"Great," Javi responded dryly. "Everyone stay put. We'll assess when it passes."

The radio went silent again, and Faith shifted in her seat, nerves buzzing under her skin. The adrenaline from earlier was wearing off, replaced by a growing sense of dread. Tornadoes were unpredictable, wild forces of nature, and even though they were experts, she knew there were no guarantees out here.

Tyler reached into the back of the truck and pulled out a blanket, tossing it over Faith's lap. "Just in case," he said, his tone casual, but Faith could see the flicker of concern in his eyes.

"Thanks," she murmured, clutching the blanket, though it did little to calm the storm inside her.

The truck rocked slightly as the wind outside grew stronger, and the sound of the approaching tornado became unmistakable—the low, steady rumble like a freight train barreling toward them. Faith's stomach clenched. She'd been in the eye of a tornado before, but that didn't make it any easier.

Tyler glanced at her again, his brow furrowed. "You ever been this close before?" he asked, his voice softer now, as if sensing her unease.

Faith nodded. "Yeah," she said, her throat tight. "A few years ago... with Kate and Javi. We got caught in a storm... lost three friends."

Tyler's expression changed, his usual bravado fading into something more solemn. "I heard about that," he said quietly. "I didn't realize you were there."

Faith didn't respond, her mind drifting back to that night. The wind, the rain, the sound of screaming metal and shattering glass. The helplessness as they were thrown around like ragdolls, powerless against the force of nature.

"It wasn't your fault," Tyler said suddenly, breaking the silence. His voice was firm, but kind.

Faith blinked, startled. "What?"

"What happened," Tyler continued, his gaze steady on hers. "It wasn't your fault. Sometimes, no matter how much we prepare, no matter how much we think we know... the storm wins."

Faith looked away, her throat tightening. She didn't want to think about that night, didn't want to remember the guilt that had eaten away at her for years. But Tyler's words stirred something inside her, a small crack in the armor she'd built around herself.

"I don't know," she whispered, more to herself than to him.

Tyler leaned closer, his voice barely above a whisper now. "You do know. You're one of the best out here, Faith. Better than me, better than most of the people who call themselves storm chasers. You care more. And that's why you're out here, even after everything."

Faith swallowed hard, the weight of his words settling over her. She hadn't expected this from Tyler. He wasn't supposed to be the one to get under her skin, to make her feel vulnerable. But somehow, he had.

Before she could respond,

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