Chapter 3

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Walking to my apartment with Izaya was quiet, and not just come 'comfortable silence'.


It was a very awkward silence. I'm not really used to talking to strangers.. scratch that. I'm not used to talking to anyone except for my brother, and maybe his girlfriend. I have known her for a couple years now, so of course I warmed up to her. Still.. when it's too quiet, I'd usually start making some kind of noise. It frustrates me to no end. I know I stated before that I didn't talk to people I didn't know and such, but it doesn't mean I'm 100% fine with silence.

~A Few Minutes Later~

"I swear for the love of god.. if he doesn't speak to me in 5 seconds, I will groan as loud as I can." I told myself, feeling bored. I would be the conversation starter, but I honestly have no clue as to what I should talk about with this guy. Plus, I still don't really like talking to new people. I feel like they'll judge me in some way, like how those kids in my school used to. 

"Groaning.. well, it can be some sort of a conversation starter."

"5..." I started to count.




"Oh wait.. I'll make a huge fool of myself! But I kind of swore to the 'Big Man'.. god damn it." I thought, regretting what I swore to myself.

"One and a half"

"One and a quarter

"One and a dime"

"One and a nickel"

"One and a penn-" I was about to think of 'penny' in my head until I heard Izaya talk.

"I heard that you are 'almost 20', as you said before." Izaya said in a slight eerily cheerful tone, mentioning the choice of words I used before I sent those two gang members into the ground.

"Uhh.. yeah." I replied, still not comfortable with his presence entirely.

"When?" He asked.

"Next month."

"I see."

"..." "God this is painfully awkward for me" I thought to myself. "I should really start making friends. It's a new start in a city, so I better make the best of it" I sighed. "Sooo uh.. how old are you, Mr.Orihara-san.. sir." "Great way to continue a conversation Mana, you freakin' dip", I mentally facepalmed.

Suddenly, Izaya stopped, making me bump into his back, earning a small and quiet "ow" from me. He turned around and smirked. "No need for such formalities, please! Call me Izaya." The raven haired said, his smirk turned into a cheeky grin.

"I rather not", I retorted. "I barely know this guy and he wants me to call him by his first name? The hell?" I told myself mentally, making sure I didn't give off any facial reactions that could have hinted as to what I just thought.

"Oh, why not Fushugi-kun? I'm only a few years older than you~! You're making me feel old~". Izaya fake pouted.

"*Fushugi*-kun? Seriously? Okay.. I can't get mad at him, since he doesn't know my name.. but KUN?! SERIOUSLY?! Fine. He thinks I'm a guy.. I'll play like a guy", I thought to myself, and on my face, started to form a small erk on my temple, causing Izaya's fake pout into a smirk. "Okay.. 1, my name is Rei. Rei Hisashi! And 2, how old are you?" I said, glaring at Izaya's stupid face.

"I'm 23, Rei-kun~!" Izaya stated, his smirk growing a bit larger once he heard my annoyed tone.

"Bloody hell. I thought this guy was cool, 'cause he did kind of save me earlier.. but now I realized he's an asshat." I huffed out. "Okay, calm down Mana. All you have to do is deal with this guy for a few more minutes until I reach my house. That's it." I reassured myself, thinking that I'll never see this guy ever again after this. "Well.. it's my pleasure to have your acquaintance, 23 year old Mr.Orihara-san sir." I smirked, knowing that my sarcasticness and the way I said his name would have annoyed him some-what.

Izaya frowned at my choice of words, but quickly smirked. "Indeed, almost 20 year old Rei-kun~!"


Fushugi: Japanese for "mystery" or "secret"

A/N: Started chapter on 07/14/2015 8:15pm, ended at 07/16/2015 12:11am. (Procrastination and coming up with plot is hard. >:T)

[Edited again on 09/15/2017 11:56pm]

ALSO! Sorry for the short chapter, but I felt that it would be better ending it here than continuing the chappy. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! And by next chapter, I'm pretty sure that Mana will finally be safe back home. Well.. if you considered that Izaya is 'safe' that is.
One last thing, I've been stuck on how I should continue this story but now, I have a better idea, thanks to research, and reading other fanfictions, I have found my inspiration! :D

But yeah, hah'. Hopefully I can finish this fanfic with ease, and obviously.. ACTUALLY managing to finish the story. Thanks for reading!

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