The Plan

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TW: sh, blood, death, bodies, violence.

I am laying in bed and falling asleep slowly and peacefully with ancient music playing on the background. At least I thought I was sleeping peacefully. I wake up with the feeling of someone sitting on my legs and the feeling of two hands around my throat. My first thought is *Shit someone broke in my house and now I am getting killed while sleeping* The next thing I know is I open my eyes and see nobody sitting on my legs neither grabbing my throat. I start instantly panicking and I start seeing shadows in all the corners of my room. My beautiful room with the big white bed now covered in shadows of weird creatures and the shadow of flames. I start to panic and trying to get out of bed but I can't, I am stuck. I can't move my legs nor scream either. I take a few big breaths and think. *Did this happen before? No* * what could this possibly be? I have no idea.* I thought of a couple of things when I slowly see the shadows fade into the distance and the darkness of the night. I slowly see my beautiful white room getting back in its original state. I see my vanity appearing, My big mirror appears, My big harp appearing again and I feel the pressure on my legs slowly disappearing. I hear my ancient music playing again and I feel all safe again.

I wake up and when I open my eyes I see the beautiful green trees, castles and mountains of Rivendell. I am not very used to this view. I got banned from my homelands centuries ago because my dad meddled in forbidden magic which was not the smartest idea. My dad and I moved to Rivendell and my mom, she never was there in my childhood and my dad and I have the strongest bonds. I get out of bed and go downstairs to grab some breakfast. Lindrilë made us some beautiful breakfast. "Good morning princess" my dad says as I get sat at the table. "Dad last night something happened" I say. "What was it?" he asked. I don't even know if I want to tell him because it did scar me a little. "Well uhm last night I all of a sudden felt like someone was choking me and I started seeing shadows in my room of weird creatures and I saw shadows of flames...." I told him and a insane weight fell of my shoulders. "Oh my darling that is called sleep paralysis." "Does it run in the family?" "Yes it actually does my darling, what did the creatures look like?" "They looked bigger then dwarves but smaller than elves or humans" the creatures were actually so weird they were small and fat but they did scare me. "You mean hobbits?" "Yeah I think so" okay so now I know what the creatures were but I need to do my research if they are dangerous or not. "Thank you dad a lot, Oh and Lindrilë thank you for the delicious breakfast!"

I am back in my room and I went to the book room to search about hobbits, and crazy enough we only have one book about them. I started reading and I found out that hobbits are just cute small humans that won't do any harm unless they have no other choice.

After I read the entire book we could already eat dinner and it was delicious. After dinner I again went back to my room doing more research about hobbits and I fell asleep with the book in my hands. The next day I woke up and dad was already gone which is really unusual for him cause he always says goodbye. I arrive downstairs and the entire living room and kitchen is a entire mess. Everything is broken even the windows. I started heading upstairs again and got all my Armor, arrows and my bow together and started searching for my dad. I went into the forest and followed footsteps I saw in the mud. Orcs. All the people and creatures that could take my dad and it had to be fucking orcs. I heard the Armor of the orcs chime in the wind and I heard the stomping of the big fat fucking orcs. I looked in front of me and there they were. All the orcs. AND MY DAD. THEY HAVE MY DAD AND THEY ARE KILLING HIM. THEY ARE RIPPING OFF HIS ARMS AND LEGS ONE BY ONE. THE SCREAM WENT THROUGH MARROW AND BONE, IT WAS THE WOST.

He had still one arm left and I saw the orcs hanging him up on a tree like fucking jesus and his other limbs were hanging on the same tree. The orcs still didn't see me and I started aiming and shooting on the orcs. One down, two down, three, four, five, six and more. The other orcs started shooting their arrows and started running away. When orcs started running away I ran after them and on my way I pulled out my arrows from the dead orcs cause I needed them. It was so disgusting hearing the flesh getting torn and seeing the blood rush out of the orcs as I pull out the arrows. I came closer to my dad and I started seeing him better and as I though he was dead I still saw him breathing and signing for help. Orcs were still surrounding my dad and I started shooting again with my arrows drenched in orc blood. "FUCK" I started running and screaming hysterically to my dad. He was dead. I shot him. With my own fucking arrow. I run to my dad and I start hugging him and crying hysterically as his last bits of blood drip on my body. I start running away as fast as I can back to our house.

I am home and I search for the biggest pieces of broken glass. I walked to the bathroom and sat down on the floor. I pulled down my pants and I started cutting. It hurt but it feld good. It felt like I deserved it after shooting my father. I started cutting more and more. Warm red blood ran over my thighs. The beautiful big white bathroom with the beautiful big bath and beautiful big white shower had now my blood on the cold stone floor. The cold golden grouting was now covered with my blood. I screamed for Lindrilë and she came running to me. She saw me laying there on the floor with my legs covered in blood and she immediately ran to get me some bandages to wrap my legs in. She grabbed rubbing alcohol and rubbed it over my cuts. It stung but I couldn't make a sound because all I could was think about the image with my dad hanging on the tree and all his blood running out of him.

Lindrilë put me in my bed with some towels underneath me and gave me some soup. I couldn't walk or make a sound. I screamed so loud and cried so hard that all I could do was stare out Infront of me and just think about a plan to escape this horrible place.

A week later and I could finally walk a little bit again and talk a little bit again. I was still traumatized by the things I had seen and the sounds I had heard but they got a little place now and I could at least do things again. I could finally think about something else then all the traumatic things that happened.

I walked downstairs just to see a lot of muddy footprints and again all the broken furniture. I took a close look at the footsteps and it was clear that it were again a lot of orcs and one troll. They were looking for something or maybe after something and I think that something is me. As fast as I could walk I walked up the stairs, and walked to my room. I grabbed some paper and started writing a note to Lindrilë.


I write this with a heavy heart, for I owe you both thanks and an explanation. You've been more than a maid to me, more than just someone who keeps the fires lit and the floors swept. You've been a steady presence in my life, watching over me in moments when no one else would. I will forever be grateful for that.

But now I must leave. This place, these walls, have held me too long. The path ahead calls to me in ways I cannot ignore. There are truths I need to find, things that cannot be answered within the safety of these halls. My journey will be dangerous, and I dare not ask you to follow me into such uncertainty.

Please, don't try to stop me. By the time you read this, I will be gone. I have left behind what little I can spare for you. I trust you will make use of it as you see fit.

You have been a silent guardian for so long, but you should know this: the reason I never shared more of myself with you was not out of distrust or distance. It was because I knew one day, I would have to leave, and I did not want to burden you with the weight of my farewells.

Take care of the others as you have cared for me, and may the gods protect you always.

With all my gratitude,

I started making a plan about the best way I could leave this all and my stuff behind. I started thinking and I came with a idea that I needed something more powerful than just my arrows and bow. It took me 2 weeks to think of a good plan and I made one. I finally had a good plan and all the ideas of how i could leave this place behind. I went to the swordsmith 1 week ago and asked if he could make me a staff or two and he said yes. The staffs were finished as I was packing my stuff and I was done. I could finally leave this horrible place behind that I can't even call a home anymore. I left and I planned to never go back.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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