The Anaconda in the Bar

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I had plans with my good friend Niall to meet at our favorite Irish pub on a Friday night. It was a cozy place with dark wooden furniture, worn dark green leather seats, and dim lighting. The music was not too loud, and if you needed a decent base for all the Guinness, you could even order juicy burgers and crispy fries there. Excitedly, I proudly told Niall that my younger brother Ernest had been accepted into the youth team of the Doncaster Rovers when Niall suddenly jumped from the bench, almost squeaking as he jumped up and down, repeatedly shouting "Oh my God." I seriously wondered if there was something other than beer in the crazy Irishman's drink today or if he had just experienced a religious epiphany.

A moment later, I saw the reason for his exuberant joy. Two young men were heading straight for us, both grinning widely. The taller of the two had short brown hair, a chiseled face, and walked like a soldier. His muscular build was impressive, yet his brown teddy bear eyes stood in stark contrast to his otherwise tough appearance. The slightly smaller man next to him seemed almost petite beside this bull of a man. He had jet-black, velvety hair, brown doe eyes, and his neck was almost completely covered with tattoos.

After warmly greeting Niall, the two of them turned to me with curious looks. Niall introduced us. He had gone to university with Zayn and Liam in their first year and had shared a room with Liam for a long time. When Liam and Zayn became a couple, he had swapped places with Zayn's roommate, too often seeing things he never wanted to see!

Both of them excitedly reported that they had just moved to London a few days ago and that we absolutely had to see their new apartment. They talked to me as if I had been part of the group for years, and I felt like it wouldn't take me as long this time to come out of my shell and overcome my shyness. Nevertheless, I excused myself after a while and went to the restroom at the other end of the elongated bar, where the lighting was a bit better.

After doing my business, I washed my hands and studied my face in the mirror. I had spent a lot of time at home fixing my hair, and now it looked as if I had been caught in an extremely unfriendly whirlwind again. I barely managed to fix my hairstyle when I heard a voice from the urinals.

"Woah, buddy. Someone's got a real anaconda in their pants. Can I hold it?" someone slurred.

In full alert mode, I stormed around the corner to catch a glimpse of the unpleasant situation. A clearly very drunk, stocky guy was staggering toward another man, who looked very frightened in a pink shirt, and was reaching out his sausage-like fingers toward him.

"Hey, leave him alone, you jerk!" I shouted at the disgusting drunk. He was startled by the sudden loudness and stared at me, hiccuping. I suspected he saw at least double, as his eyes were weirdly darting back and forth. The young man he had been harassing fled behind me and hurriedly washed his hands. At that moment, the drunkard leaned against a urinal and vomited all over the floor. Great, just great. I quickly turned around and left the restroom in a hurry. The guy in the pink shirt had already fled, which I couldn't blame him for.

I quickly informed the bar staff about what had happened and then made my way back to the three boys. When I arrived, I realized that the young man in the pink shirt had apparently fled to my group. When I got there, I was greeted with cheers from Zayn, Liam, and Niall.

"You saved our little Harry, Louis!" Liam cheered and hugged me. For a moment, I was afraid of being crushed by his chest muscles. After Liam let go of me, I turned to the rescued man. Until now, I had only seen the pink shirt, as everything in the restroom had gone too quickly. He wasn't small at all; he was much taller than me and smiled shyly at me. "Thank you, Louis. That was a really scary encounter in the restroom. Now I know why women always go in pairs!"

I am always ready to accompany you! I replied, impressed by my own quick wit. Niall then made strange noises, causing Harry and me to roll our eyes in sync.

Fortunately, the rest of the evening passed without any unpleasant incidents. We drank a lot of Guinness, and Harry looked more handsome to me with each glass. I couldn't exactly tell what it was. Whether it was his broad shoulders or his brown, curly hair that looks like silk. His cute little bum looks like a perfect pair of apples in those tight Black skinny jeans that shows of his incredible long legs.
And let's talk about his georgous face with red, sinnful lips, his dimples and the forrest-green eyes.

Around half past two, we all decided to head home. We realized that Harry lived almost around the corner from me. "My handsome, you don't have to walk alone!" I called out to him. Harry giggled adorably, showing his dimples, and it nearly swept me off my feet.

He linked arms with me, turned once more to the boys waiting for a taxi, and said, "The noble knight will accompany me home! Hasta la vista, babes!"

Slightly swaying but firmly linked, we made our way home-or at least in that general direction. Harry had to stop at a lamppost midway to revisit some of the Guinness. After he profusely apologized to the lamppost for his behavior, I promised him I'd build a shrine there if he ever became a star and someone wanted to honor him.

How we managed to reach his apartment door safely is a complete mystery to me. Perhaps the cool night air and the lamppost incident contributed to us both sobering up a bit.

"Loulou, you can sleep at my place!" said Harry, pulling me up the stairs to his apartment.

"That's not necessary, I can go to mine!"

"No objections!" said Harry as he struggled with the keys and the apartment door lock. When he finally won the desperate battle, he pulled me into the small apartment, shedding his boots and jacket as he walked. I closed the door behind us and followed Harry, who grabbed my hand and held it tightly.

Harry led me into his bedroom, where there was a large wooden bed with flower-embroidered white linens. Slowly and surprisingly skillfully for his level, he took off his pink shirt and the forbidden tight jeans. Smiling, I undressed, even though I was more than aware that in my underwear I didn't look like him, a Greek god with tattoos.

As if drawn by a magnet, I followed him into the bathroom. He pulled a guest toothbrush out of the cupboard and we brushed our teeth together, even though Harry's eyes almost closed as he stood. I cursed myself for only wearing a pair of blue and green checked baggy boxers. Harry was wearing a tight black boxer brief and I was 90% sure that this tempting scrap of fabric was partly transparent.

Back in the bedroom, Harry crawled under the cozy-looking blanket and reached an arm out to me. "You're my hero, Lou! Come here. You have to protect me!"

I carefully lay down under the large blanket, careful not to touch this man's work of art. He shouldn't think that I was out for a quickie and that I was taking advantage of his condition. I looked over at him and saw him watching me with his bright green eyes. He carefully reached out his hand to me and gently stroked my stubbly cheek. "You saved me from the snake catcher, I will redeem myself." My breath caught in my throat at the sight and the feeling of his fingertips on my skin.

He furrowed his brow thoughtfully before continuing: "No, revun., revi .revenge on you... at some point. I'll save your anaconda." He spoke quietly, and even though it was complete nonsense, it felt like the most romantic thing anyone had ever said to me. I carefully took his hand in mine and smiled at him. That's how we fell asleep.

Hand in hand.

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