They see you w/ your new BF

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⚠: Very little language and some of you already saw some of it and I'm so sorry for that because you weren't supposed to see it yet. My phone can me stupid sometimes!!! And sorry for misspells.

Kid flash: (Wally)

Y/n pov- Ron

I was walking hand in hand with Ron; My new boyfriend. He was sweet and treated me right though we have only been dating for about a month. We have a lot in common and he's fun to talk with. Sure he was no Wally and sure I still loved Wally but it's time for me to move on.

It was time to forgive and forget.

I turned my head and smiled up at Ron but my smile fell as soon as it came. A little in the distance pass me and Ron was Wally looking and walking towards us. At first he was just walking, which turned into a jog, which turned into a full blown run until he was right in front of me and Ron.

"Hey, (Y/n)." Said Wally looking at me. I don't think he even notice Ron. "Um.. Hey Wally." I said scratching my neck. "How have you been? You look great!" Wally said Smiling big. Yup, now I know he didn't acknowledge Ron. "I've been great and thank you. What about you? How have you been?"

Suddenly, His grin drops and his facial expression resembles a stray puppy. "(Y/n).. I'm not doing so great. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot but pl-" Wally was interuppeded by Ron who cleared his throat and awkwardly placed his arm around my waist.

I looked to wally and saw his jaw slightly agasped while staring at Ron. "O-oh W-wally this is my boyfriend Ron, Ron my ex Wally." I said motioning to both. Ron extract his hand towards Wally. "Nice to meet you." Ron said smiling. I smiled at Ron because even though we are dating he still treats people nice even if the did something wrong.

"Y-yea the feelings not mutral." Wally mumbled under his breathe but sadly I heard him and he still extract his hand to Ron and Shakes it before engulfing us all in silence. This is so awkward.. Say something (Y/n)!

"Anyway, it was nice seeing you again Wally. Take care!" I said grabbing Ron's hand and pulling him with me pass Wally, not waiting for his answer.

Robin: (Dick)

Y/n pov- Thomas

I didn't plan on running into Dick on the street, it just happened. And I sure as hell didn't plane on running into him on the street when I was spending my 1 month anniversary with my new boyfriend, Thomas. Life's a bitch if you ask me.

Forcing a smile I greeted him. "Hey, Dick." I said looking into his sad eyes. If you payed close attention to them, you'll notice how they are dull and the light that once shined in them dimmed. Serves him right.

"(Y/N).. Who's this?.." He said finally looking at Thomas' and I intertwined hands. "Dick, This is Thomas my Boyfriend. Thomas, this is Dick... The ex I was telling you about before." I said slowly dragging out the part about him being my ex. I turned to Thomas and see that he's observing Dick from head to toe.

I hope he doesn't say something irrelevant.

"So this is THAT ex?" He said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes at that. "What's that suppose to mean?" Dick and I said in synce causing us to stare at each other with wide eyes.

Young Justice Boyfriend Scenarios [VOL 1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now