Tim Drake (Drabble)

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Requested by: @thunderific_kitsune

Theme: (Picked by me) Tim x Reader; Reader is under a terrible curse. Tim Drake knows how to cure it.

3rd pov.

"Tim, what am i going to do?!" (Y/n) whined throwing her head in her hands.

Earlier that day, (Y/n) was called to go handle this new villain that's been around for only a week now. She thought it would have been a piece of cake especially if your villain name is Wizlord. She chuckled at the thought and went on her way.

Little did she know this villain actually meant business. He ended up casting a spell on her that turned her into a troll. She was easily defeated after that. She came back 2 hours later with tears in her eyes and ran pass everyone to her room. She was to ashamed and embarrassed to face anyone at the moment.

Tim took it upon himself to go and check on her besides he doesn't like seeing his crush sad. No one does, even if they were turned into a troll.

"(Y/n), relax." He whispered to her, slowly rubbing her back. "No! Tim. You don't understand!" She jumped up from her spot and looked at him. "What's there to understand? You were turned into a troll. Could've happened to anyone." He replied still sitting.

"But that fact it happened to me. Look at me!" She started with her hands pointed to her face. "I'm ugly an- no I'm hideous! Nobody would wanna talk to m-" She was cut off by Tim.

"But I'm talking to you." Tim stated in a matter of factly tone. With her hands still pointed towards her, she stares at him and blink a few times before dropping her hands with a sigh.

"Yea but-"

"But what?"

"It's easy to talk to you. I wanna talk to others without being afraid if how i look might come as a shock to them." She said. Time nodded his head in understanding. Suddenly, Tim quickly stands up and there is a sparkle in his eyes.

"What if we do what they do?" He asked.

"Who do what?"

"This." He said and grabbed her crashing his lips on hers. It was a sweet yet rough kiss that only lasted about 30 secs before he pulls away looking into her eyes.

"Do what they did in the fairytales." He explained smiling. "Its no-" (Y/n) started but was interrupted when she started to glow. "What th-"

Then there was a poof sound and the light vanishes as quickly as it came. Standing there is (Y/n) as her normal none troll self. She gasps and looks as Tim before engulfing him in a hug. "I can't believe that worked! Thank you Tim."

Just then a thought came to her and she pulled back from the hug but was only centimeters away from his face. "If you said do what they did in the fairytale and the only way it would have worked would me-"

"That I love you." He finished looking into her eyes. She smiles and lean in bushing her lips over his before whispering those 3 words back.

"I love you too." and connected there lips again.

A/n: If you don't like it, to pancake flipping bad. Just kidding. Hope you enjoyed it!

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