Chapter 1

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Hi! This is my first story! I hope I get some followers and some likes on this story. I'm kind of nervous as to how people will feel about my writing. I just hope you guys like it! And here we go! Enjoy! Btw the picture to the side or above is Jailyn wearing her first day of school outfit.

It's finally here. The first day of school is finally here, August 18th. I've been waiting for the first day of school for the longest. Even though, once it was here, I sort of regretted all of my enthusiasm. Now, I wasn't sure I was ready for my first day of school at Oceanview High School.

I'm not gonna lie, last year was pretty amazing. I finally found a best friend, had straight A's, and my family life was the closest to normal as it's gonna get. But, still, something's missing. I don't quite know what it is but, I'll figure it out sometime.

Anyway, it's time for me to get ready for school. I got in the shower as soon as I woke up, and when I got out I quickly ran into my room. I'm a very organized person, so I had my first day of school outfit picked out for almost a week now. I quickly put on my brown long-sleeved half shirt, blue high waisted jeans, and my white and gold sandals.

I got my purse together with all my needed supplies for the day such as my charger, my headphones, a pen, and a notebook. It's only the first day of school, nothing important is required of me.

"Hurry up, Lyn! I will not have you late for your first day of school!" my mom called to me from the kitchen. She was washing the dirty dishes from last night. "Ma, I'm coming!" I shouted back.

After our short conversation, I ran into my bathroom to brush my teeth. I know, I'm a little backwards, but who cares? I rushed back into my room, and glanced at the pink alarm clock that sat on my glass desk. 6:52. Crap. I'm gonna be late.

One thing about me, I cannot stand to be late. Especially on the first day of school. So, I skipped out on fixing lunch, grabbed my things, and raced downstairs, where my mother was impatiently waiting. I ran past my brother, Josiah's room and the light was off. I guess he'd already left.

"Bout time" she said as I came around the corner, nearly running into the computer stand. "Whoa," slowing down my pace.

My mother made me set the security system, and we walked out of the door. As we got in the car I saw my former classmate, Katrina passing by with her "bae of the week" in his car. "Lord, I hope I don't have any classes with her this year" I said to my mom. I told her everything. We were extremely close. "That's not nice, Jailyn. What do you have against the girl, again?" She clearly either hadn't been paying attention to me or had forgotten who she was.

"You remember Katrina, ma." I explained, not knowing exactly how my mother would respond, to this reminder, this early in the morning.  "When she stole my best friend and my boyfriend, at the same time." I said annoyed at the thought, then that annoyance turned into an accomplished feeling. "Then, I whooped that bi-." I almost slipped in front of my mom. "I mean, behind. I whooped her behind."

"Oh gosh, I didn't know you were talking about that" my mother said, irritated, not even looking at me, while starting the car. "I don't know what was worst, the fact I encouraged you to fight or the way she looked afterward." My mom confessed starting off disappointed in herself then pride in her daughter.

We both laughed at that, and she glanced at me while driving out of our neighborhood. "I'm just gonna ignore her at school. Like always, but if she messes with me, I can't be held responsible." My mother threw a look at me. I knew she meant business with that look. "There will be no fighting. I'm asking you to be the bigger person this time. My children are not hoodlums like that little girl, Katisha." My mom would fuck her name up. "Yes, mother." I nodded obediently.

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