Chapter 7

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So above is Jailyn's brother, Josiah and all I have to say is. I hope I'm not picking people who look too old to be in high school. Anyway, every other character is a junior in high school. Josiah is a senior. Besides that, enjoy this chapter please 😊
I've been sitting in my room, phone in hand, eyes on screen, mind on overdrive, trying to come up with a way to respond to Kaz. "I don't know what to do," I whined quietly to myself.

It's been 2 long, agonizing hours.

"Maybe you should just be like thanks with some kinda flirty emoji. You like him, why not act like it?" Kyla suggested. "I don't like him. I just think he's cute, alright?" I replied for the billionth time in the last 45 minutes we've been on the phone. "Yeah, right. Jai, you've known him for going on 3 years now. It's fine to say you like him, we all kinda guessed this would happen anyway."

"Excuse me? We all? Who is 'we all'?" I don't get it. I was never very close to Kaz, but we spoke when we saw each other, how could "we all" think I like him?

"Me, Yessi, Yaara, and even Mariah. For the last 3 years, whenever he was around you started getting antsy-like, I don't know, you would try and be so. I don't know." I don't believe what I'm hearing. "Like remember that one time, we went to the fair and we saw him with J, Josiah, Kenneth, Pedro, and some other basketball players? Well, you sorta kinda gravitated to him. Or he gravitated to you, I don't know, then you guys became like riding partners--wait that sounded wrong," and she began laughing like crazy.

I didn't think it was funny at all, "can you continue to explain please? Because I don't even understand. Just because I have conversations with someone does not mean I like them." I defended myself.

"Phew, that was so funny. Anyway, so you guys started going on every ride together, then he won you that stuffed turtle...and everyone called it that night." I glanced to the stuffed animal that sat next to my pillow, I had slept with it every night since then. I know it's childish, but damn, let me live.

"Wow. So, basically everyone I'm friends with thinks that I have a crush on Jeremiah?" I do think he's cute, and I remember that night, I had a lot of fun with them, but I didn't think anything of it, Kaz was my friend.

"Well...everyone except J." She said dragging out the 'well'. Hold on a minute. "Why doesn't Junior thinks so? I mean he's the only accurate one but why didn't he believe it, if everyone else did?" This entire thing is getting confusing to be honest.

"He said that Kaz wasn't all that and that you could do better and that you probably had different boys already hitting you up, so you didn't need him. He kept rambling like that until everyone told him to shut up."


So, Junior probably didn't think Kaz liked me because of his "crush" on me. 

So first, Kaz and I schedules are basically the same, Junior confesses his undyling love for me, Kaz and I become best friends, we as a trio go on a journey, me and new best friend take a dip in the pool, and now I'm sitting here trying to figure out a way to answer Kaz basically calling me sexy...what is my life coming to? It hasn't even been 24 hours yet.

I know I'm exaggerating a bit, but all this is too much for only one day, not even a full day, at that.

"Jai. Jai. Jai. Jai. Jai. Jai. Jai-" Kyla chanted "Shut up, Ky!" I shouted after I was forced out of my thoughts. "Well, sorry," she drawed the word out, "I was talking and you didn't answer me." She said with utmost annoyance.

This whole thing has got me stressed out for  no reason at all. "Ugh, I'm sorry Kyla. You know my mind is on overtime right now, I didn't mean to yell." She sighed and retorted, "It's cool. Just don't let it happen again, or I'm gonna have to tell Yung Metro, he shouldn't trust you."

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