The flaming Sky

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"Erifreya, be careful, your role in this fight hasn't changed, let the adults handle it."

The voice in Eri's head was Peony's, she knew it, she had been hearing it all night telling her what to do. It was comforting, when she was scared, knowing someone had a plan was reassuring, even if it was essentially a magical horse. The voice was sweet, sounding like a young woman, but it used the tone of Lady Queen. She had explained many things that Eri only understood a little bit, one of the things she didn't understand was the spear. Where had it come from? Why was it hidden inside her? And most importantly, how do you use a spear? Dad had only trained her with the sword, the stances didn't seem effective with such a weapon.

"Don't worry, dragon princess, use it only to protect yourself."

Could Peony hear her thoughts?

"Peony," she said, her voice a weak thread due to fear, "what's going to happen?"

The unicorn's voice didn't sound in Eri's head again. As they spiraled along an invisible path through the sky of Pellegrin, she could see the fire continuing to spread. She heard one or two explosions, in several places lights that could only come from magic were followed by powerful roars of agony. Mom and her master were fighting.

She also heard the voices of the dragons, she understood, some begged for their lives, others made threats, none wanted to fight, none wanted to die.

But it was too late, too much damage had already been done.

Eri began to feel hungry, she was approaching where the real fight was happening, glowing like a star, she knew she would attract attention.

A colossal red dragon dominated the sky, its slender figure did not detract from its imposing presence. It moved in a very particular way, so much so that Eri recognized it as Queen Clessa. She saw her flying swiftly in circles, engaged in a duel with a dragon that looked like Lady Mera, but even bigger. They were biting and lashing at each other, steaming blood flowing from long wounds on both.

Lady Mera and Dad were teaming up against a monstrous chubby green dragon that moved slowly, but its fire seemed to be everywhere. No matter how much they tried to surprise or distract it, they couldn't reach it. Eri pulled Peony's reins to indicate she wanted to go there. Dad and Jumper were flying frantically avoiding the flames, without Mom's shields they were in danger. Dad hadn't even been able to put on his armor because he went out to look for her at night, a small nail of guilt pierced her heart when Mom told her.

Eri inhaled deeply and spurred her mount as gently as she could, they ran straight towards the green dragon. When it saw them, the monster directed its fire at them, inadvertently allowing Eri to consume it, while the master in her dragon form took advantage of the distraction to latch onto the prince's neck with a terrible bite.

Eri was unharmed, she had been able to consume the blaze, but couldn't get close enough to affect the inner fire. Peony stubbornly refused to take her closer.

"Eri!" Dad's voice didn't sound surprised. "Your orange fire! Your master needs strength!" He approached riding Jumper, flying right beside her.

"I can't get closer, Daddy!" she said before blowing her strengthening flames over him.

"That spear, hold it by the base, use the unicorn stance if you need to defend yourself, come behind me, we'll try to get you close." Dad was being too reckless, but Peony seemed to agree.

Lady Mera clung to the prince's neck without being able to really hurt him; he was too large a beast, too strong even for the master's powerful jaws. But she was managing to divert his gaze from the riders and at the same time deflect his powerful flames. She wouldn't hold out much longer. The Green Prince slashed her sides with his claws at every opportunity, opening deep wounds from which boiling blood gushed. If they were going to take advantage of it, they had to do it now.

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