Sister. The battle of the white prince.

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Meraxes' hand bled over her mistress. She had tried to stop the knife, but had only managed to cut her palm. The knife had broken against Eri's invulnerable skin despite her intervention. Everyone tried to stop him, but the dragon in the body of a man was fast and strong like few others. If he was using his fire to strengthen his body, Mera didn't know how to do it. She was as fragile as the woman whose body she occupied had been.

That human Frey had told him they would put a shackle on him like hers. If they had succeeded...

Mustering her strength, she took Eri in her arms and ran out of the room and down the hallway, leaving her shoes behind, trying to reach a courtyard, some open space where her mistress could free her. In her draconic form, the dragon in human form would be no match for her.

She could hear that behind her, her pursuer had closed the door to the room behind him, probably locking it to trap the humans. She couldn't count on them, she had to keep running. She couldn't hide either, she was leaving drops of blood wherever she went and the mistress was crying, holding back so as not to shake the palace, but it was easy to hear her. She passed a group of guards who were alerted when they saw her run by. They yelled at her pursuer to stop, but the sound of metal hitting the marble floor told her she had only gained a little time.

"Miss Erifreya," she whispered as she ran, "please, the words I taught you, say them..."

The mistress was very scared, stammering, but little by little she remembered the words. She could already see the light of the door that led to the great esplanade outside the palace, when finally...

"By our pact of eternal servitude, be free to be who you truly are, swear to always return to me and use your freedom for my good." The mistress's voice was choked and came out as a whisper, but it was enough. She could already feel her own fire, her own body floating in the ether. She kept running until she reached the esplanade, the sun timidly peeking out from thick storm clouds. She left the mistress on the ground and instructed her to move away.

When she saw her pursuer reach the esplanade, she smiled.

"I swear it!" With that cry of confirmation, the spell ended. A lightning bolt accompanied her transformation and once again Meraxes, the black dragon, terror of the night, showed all her power. Once again, she saw over the outer towers of the castle, the humans once again looking insignificantly small. Something was different, her fire felt more intense, but she didn't think about that as she launched her claws at the false man who had tried to hurt her mistress, tearing splinters of stone from the ground and the lintel of the door, but he escaped her. She began to move, serpentine, following him across the esplanade. A single flame, a single claw would be enough to finish him off, but he moved swiftly, determined, inexhaustible...

Suddenly, a roar like thunder was heard as the figure of the little man disappeared. In its place, a beast of white scales tipped with red appeared, as if each tip were stained with blood, long black horns, straight and shiny like obsidian spears. It was only slightly larger than Meraxes, but the feeling it left was unmistakable, like the one given by Miss Erifreya, its power was on another level.

It was the white prince.


What in the name of all the orcs was happening?

The man who was supposed to be a dragon was kneeling, his head against the ground, muttering endless apologies and crying. The peasant was hitting the door with his sword like an ape while the half-elf tried to break it down with magic. But it was an Orichalcum door, it dispersed almost all magic and was heavy, resistant. One of the many things elves had always done better. The room had no windows, just a few slits that faced the outside of the castle and let in a dim light, too small for most. It would take them a while to get out, and that monk... that monk was trying to kill the girl...

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