Chapter Three❌

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The Catalona^^

Foreign Desires

~Sometimes it's the wrong choices that take us to the right places~

|1st |

It was Monday evening and my flight to Italy was at 7:45. Everyone was over by my condo for some odd reason treating this like a going away party when in actuality I'm only going to be gone for about a week.

The Cooper's, The Browning's, and Paris was all put together like another sob story except for Veronica who pretended to be on her phone as all the attention was on me. I noticed little Destiny crying by the corner. Worried and concerned I went over to her and picked up the fifty pound child and placed her on my lap.

"What's wrong Des?".

"You're going to leave me with Mommy" Destiny whined wiping her tears. "Why is that so upsetting?". "Because she's mean to me. She calls me a fatty and tells me my hair will fall out soon and that I'm too dark to be her child". My mouth fell open when Destiny told me those things. I faked a smile and turned back to Destiny.

"Don't believe your Mommy. You're not a fatty you have a nice slim body, You're hair will never fall out. You have a full head of one and it will grow out long just like mine and Grandma's, and all shades of black is beautiful. You are a beautiful smart little girl. That's all you" I said before kissing her forehead. Destiny giggled. "Thanks Aunty Tori".

I couldn't believe that Veronica could have said that to her own child.

Paris stood next to me. "That was an amazing speech you did there" He said nudging me. "Gah-lee thanks bud" I teased placing an arm over his shoulder.

"Um Victoria honey isn't your flight at 7:45?" Mama asked from the kitchen. "Yeah?". "Well it's 6:30 and you have to get through security" She sassed as she sipped her red wine. Damn.

Daddy was the first to hug me. "Have fun. Enjoy yourself". I nodded and said 'Thank you' as Mama also came over. "Drink some of this wine. You're going to need it once you see those men. It prevents the thirst" Mama told me with a wink. Ohhhkayy.

Veronica,Destiny, Paris, and I met up with Bryan downstairs loading my suitcase into the trunk of his black Lexus. Once he made eye contact he turned away. Veronica didn't notice since she was to busy checking herself out on her phone camera. "Ready to hit it?" Bryan asked.

"Yeah I need to go right now". We all huddled up into the Lexus as Bryan drove out and on our way to Reagan International Airport. The ride was quite silent besides from Paris and I, and Destiny on her IPad playing games such as Furby Boom. There was no traffic on the highway so it was a quick fifteen minutes to the airport.

Every now and then I would glance back at my outfit to see if I over dressed. When I was younger I use to travel alot because my father use to have been a pilot for American Airlines and had an abundance of flight privileges. My parents taught Veronica and I too dress up when you fly because you want to look well when your going somewhere or coming back home.

I was wearing some orange Capri pants I got from The Loft, and a white tank with a cut out design on the bottom from The Loft again. I also wore three inch wedges boosting my height up to 5'10 and sunglasses. Overall I looked a dressy causal.

Paris helped me out the car as I stood up looking around the departure section. Couples hugging and kissing goodbye. Bryan took out my large red suitcase and my Victoria Secret carry on.

"Well I hope you have fun when your in Italy I guess. See you real soon" Veronica said in a fake attitude before hugging me. Ahhh buh-bye bitch.

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