Chapter Sixteen ❌

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The Coopers and the Brownings^

Tuesdays. (The Introduction)

~Family isn't always blood. Its the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and love you no matter what~


The quiet murmurs surrounded me as my gentle snores could have been heard from my own semi-conscious state. Have you felt awake yet you were sleeping. Not quite aware of the surroundings yet you did. Strange feeling isn't it.

My head felt as if were splitting in half as I tried to wake myself up since I was aware I was sleeping and tired of being in my little dream Narnia.

Finally I opened my eyelids and regain back consciousness to see Veronica, Mom, and Destiny over by the kitchen. Mom and Veronica were speaking quietly while Destiny sat in Veronica's lap braiding her hair into a halo.

A smile found its way onto my lips when I saw Destiny as she played on her IPad. I shifted on the bed looking out the balcony down to the busy streets below.

This is exactly when reality hit me. 90

One- Its the next morning.

Two- I'm not in my room. Not even wearing the same clothes from yesterday.

Three- My family is here.


This is not going to be good.

I jumped up from the pullout bed in order to get my shit together when a sharp pain hit my head. Reasons why I don't drink with Gigi and them.

Veronica glanced over in my direction as her usual smug look appeared. Oh how I missed that. Note my sarcasm.

"Well someone is getting over a hangover" She said as I sat up in the bed slowly. Mom rushed over to me with aspirin and some water. " Oh lord Victoria what's gotten into you last night. You've never came home pissing drunk before. Is this what you've been doing since you been here" Mom questioned me as I took the medicine.

"No Ma it was last night this has happened" I said.

Never mind that's a lie.

The memory of the night I met Lorenzo was another time I was pissing drunk but lets not mention that right now.

Mom eyed me for a second scanning me from my body into my soul as if searching for a thing to question. "Alright come give your Mother a hug" She said pulling me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around my mother as I inhaled her usual scent of coco Chanel bringing back memories.

After hugging my mother I was ambushed back on the bed. "HAIIII AUNTY TORIIIIIII" Destiny giggled.

I hugged her back tightly planting little kisses all over her beautiful face. "Hi Destiny I missed you so much baby girl". We pulled away so I can get a better look at her. "Looks like someone has gotten bigger. Look at those long slender legs in those shorts" I pointed out making her giggle.

Veronica came over to us sitting next to me. She examined my hair which was placed in a 'messy bun' which is dishevled by now. "Its been a while since you had a keratin treatment I see" She said taking a piece of my hair and twriling it in her fingers.

"Yes, but going natural for a bit wont kill me" I responded getting up once I saw the time.

2:34 p.m.

"Fuck Lorenzo" I mumbled to myself.

"Where is the bathroom?" I asked turning back to them. Destiny pointed towards the hotel room door. The bathroom door was right beside it. On my way over the door handle began jiggling as it opened up to a man.

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