Chapter 8

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 It's been four days since homecoming. I've seen Chris around at school but neither of us had discussed the elephant in the room. I've tried to bring it up, but I just feel like it's never the right time. At some point though, I feel like I'm just going to have to brave it and that's what I'm going to do today. I mean it's Wednesday already, I just can't keep ignoring the fact that we both like each other. As I'm walking to my next class, I get a notification. I open my phone and check it to see it's a text from Chris.

Chris - "Date: Today. Time: 4:30 PM. Where: Downtown. People: Me and you. Yes or yes?"

Oh my god is he asking me out? This is so cute! Obviously, I'm going to say yes.

Valerie - "Is Chris I don't know your last name asking me out? Hmm, let me see. Oo sorry I don't think I can make this time."

Chris - "Ouch, my heart is broken! I'm just joking. Also, I know you're messing with me so I'll see you later! Be ready for 4:15 because I'm picking you up."

Valerie - "Damnit how'd you know!? Anyway, I'll see you later."

Oh my god. I am internally screaming! AHHH! I'm going to keep this under wraps and not tell Astrid about this. I'm not ready to tell her about me and Chris's conversation yet. I really want to tell her, it's just that if this doesn't work out, then what? And I know if I do tell her she's going to make a huge deal out of it and ask me a ton of questions which I just can't deal with right now so, I'm going to wait. I'm super excited though! This is good timing too because I was just saying how I needed to put my foot down and have a conversation with him. Maybe if the conversation goes well, I'll go to his football game this Friday. Actually, I need to shut the fuck up. I'm planning too far ahead so I'm going to stop while I have the chance. I swear, I can get too far into my thoughts sometimes. I really need to learn when to stop. It's not going to happen but I like to give myself false hope! I put my phone in my pocket and then sit down in my assigned seat for my next class. The bell then rings and I start to work on my project.

I just got home from school and it's 3:50. My bus was late to school today due to an accident on one of the roads so Chris and I both got home later than usual. I still have enough time to get ready though so I'm not too worried. I quickly empty my bag and put everything away. I then run upstairs and grab my sage green hair bow. It matches my dark green sweater that I've been wearing all day. Once it's clipped in, I touch up my makeup and go back downstairs. My moms out running errands before she has to leave for work so I quickly go and give my dog some food and fresh water. I then set my phone down on the charger and relax. It's now 4:05 so I have ten minutes until Chris arrives. I decide to turn on my TV and relax for a minute. I feel like I've been going and going all week and I'm pooped. Thankfully, I've had little to no homework this week so I haven't been super stressed. I hear a knock on my door so I turn off my TV, grab my stuff, and then open the door. I open the door to see Chris. "Hey, how are you?" After he finishes speaking he runs his fingers through his hair and smiles at me. "I'm good thank you! Let me just lock the door and then I'm ready." I lock the door and then put my keys in my purse. I then smile at Chris and we walk to his car. I get in on the passenger side and sit down. Once we're both all buckled in, he pulls out of my driveway and starts driving towards downtown.

Chris just finished parking and we both got out of the car. He said he was going to treat me to dinner and I told him he didn't have to but he said he was. I feel really bad but food is life. He took me to a popular restaurant downtown that makes the most delicious grilled cheeses. I could talk about their grilled cheeses for hours. I won't, but I could. Before Chris and I head inside, he grabs a small, red box, with a sparkly black ribbon on it and takes it with him. He then locks the car and we head inside. Once we were sat, there was a long moment of silence. Maybe the silence was because we were looking at the menu but it still felt super awkward. I mean, we were sat in silence for a good ten minutes before I finally spoke up. "So, are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?" He looks at me. "Straight to the point. Didn't know you had the guts." He laughs. "Hey! That's not very nice." He laughs again. "Ok ok. Sorry. But I mean, what is there to talk about? We both like each other, correct?" I sigh and push my hair out of my face. "Yeah, but I mean, are we dating, are we doing labels? Like, we said we would hold off telling people about us until we had a conversation and now we are and it's like you're avoiding it." He sighs. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to avoid it. This is just a lot for me so I'm having a hard time trying to process it. I really like you though and I want to make this work so if you're ready, will you be my girlfriend?" I open my mouth and lean back a little. And he said I'm straight to the point. He runs his fingers through his hair and waits for my response. Finally, I say something. "I'll be your girlfriend. I really like you too and I'm ready." He looks at me. "Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you. We can take things slow." I shake my head. "I'm ready. I know what my heart wants and it's you." He laughs. "That was cheesy. Since we got that out of the way, I have something for you." He pulls out the box from earlier and hands it to me. "It's just a little something I got for you." I smile. "Chris, you shouldn't have." He laughs. "I know. Just open it." I tug on the ribbon and it comes loose. I then take the lid off the box. Inside, is Chris's football jersey. I gasp and look at him. "Chris. You shouldn't have. Don't you need this for football?" "I don't. Our coach gives us two uniforms, and we're allowed to give the second one to somebody else to wear. I thought I should give it to you. That way, you can wear it Friday. If, you want to come to the game that is." I wipe my eyes as they start to water and I stand up to hug him. Through the hug, I say thank you. "Of course, I'll come to your game. Thank you." Chris bends down slightly and kisses my head. "You're welcome." For a moment, we just stand there. Chris runs his fingers through my hair while I take in the warmth. I was feeling kind of cold so I definitely needed this hug. After about three more minutes, he pulls away and we sit back down. The waiter then comes and takes our orders.

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