Karaoke Night Pt.1

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Prompt: Set during season 4a. Neal never died. Emma and Killian have been broken up for about 1 month and both of them end up going to a bar on a Friday night, without knowing one another was going obviously. Its karaoke night and Killian decides to sing a song towards Emma, who he didn't know was there until halfway through the song.

Angst/Fluff/Smut/Other: Angst

POV: First Person/Killian


I've been sitting on my couch, staring at a blank screen on the television for a couple hours now.

I've been an emotional wreck ever since Emma and I broke up. I've been like this every day since our separation; I wake up, sit on my couch all day, and then sleep. Eating is like a distant memory. Every now and then, I'll get up from my usual spot in my living room and get a glass of water, along with some small snack, but I can't remember the last time I had an actual dinner. Showers are occasional; If anyone saw me right now, they probably wouldn't recognize me.

I can't remember the last time I've spoken to someone now that the thought has crossed my mind. Emma was the last human interaction I've had with anyone, the words, "Goodbye, Killian," replay in my mind like a broken record.

I don't even know what I did to deserve this. I always reminded her how much I loved her and I was a wonderful boyfriend, or at least I think I was.

Did I hurt her feelings somehow? Did I say something I wasn't supposed to say? Do her parents not like me? Did her friends not like me and they had an influence on her feelings? Did she just lose feelings for me?

These thoughts consume my mind daily. I always try to push them away and try to forget. I try to take away the pain. But, it never works, so here I am.

My phone notifications are through the roof. I haven't even checked my phone since we broke up, afraid it might be Emma saying, "I hope we can still be friends," because I wouldn't be able to. I love her so much; the thought of not being able to hold her hand and brush the hair away from her face so I can kiss her cheek, head, nose, etc. makes me feel so sad and hopeless.

I will never be able to find someone as perfect as Emma and now she's gone.

I start to cry and place my head in my hands, the daily usual. But, today was different. My cries didn't last as long and my body seemed to be trying to convince me to become stronger about the situation.

I felt an urge to go to the bar and as if I was being controlled, I stood up, tears still streaming down my face, and trudged to my bedroom. Man I haven't been in here in awhile. I always end up falling asleep on the couch with my sobs breaking the silence of the room and without a pillow or a blanket. So, I end up curled up in a little ball, shivering from the air conditioner turning on and off, as I drift off into a restless sleep, still crying out her name even in my dreams.

I walk out and go take a shower. During my shower, I decide to practice my singing, just in case it's karaoke night. I pick two songs that I could sing and practice nonstop. They describe exactly how I've been feeling. Correction: One of them does, the other is supposed to show that I'm strong, even though I'm clearly not.

Once I'm done, I dry off and walk to my room to my closet and pull out a casual black shirt. I reach down and pick up a pair of black shoes. I stumble my way over to my dresser and grab a pair of pants and some socks. I take off my old clothes and change into my new ones. I ruffle my hair and make sure it looks somewhat decent.

I look at the clock, "6:45," I read. I hang my head low and walk back down my apartment hallway towards the front door. Before I leave, I take my phone in my good hand. I click the on button and the screen lights up. I received 35 messages from Emma, 29 messages from Robin, 18 missed calls from Emma, 15 missed FaceTime calls from Emma, 14 missed calls from Robin, and 7 missed FaceTime calls from Robin.

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