Chapter 9: Shadows of Jealousy

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The days following the Potions class passed in a blur, the air thick with unspoken tension and a simmering undercurrent of jealousy. (Y/N) had agreed to study with Harry, and while she enjoyed the time they spent together, it was evident to Draco that Harry's feelings for her ran deeper than mere friendship.

Draco tried to shake off the gnawing sensation in his gut whenever he saw them together. He watched from a distance in the Great Hall as (Y/N) and Harry laughed over their textbooks, the warmth of her smile directed solely at Harry sending a jolt of irritation through him.

“Can you believe this?” he muttered to Blaise, who was seated across from him. “She spends one afternoon with him, and suddenly he thinks he can just waltz in and claim her as his own.”

Blaise raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. “You’re actually jealous, aren’t you? Never thought I’d see the day, Malfoy.”

Draco shot him a sharp glare. “I’m not jealous,” he snapped, but his tone betrayed him. “It’s just… ridiculous. He’s not even in her league.”

“Then why does it bother you so much?” Blaise pressed, leaning back with a knowing smirk. “You could have had her whenever you wanted, but you decided to take your time. Now you’ve got competition, and it’s getting to you.”

“Shut it, Blaise,” Draco said, running a hand through his platinum hair in frustration. He glanced again at (Y/N) and Harry, their heads bent together as they shared notes. “It’s just that he has this… this way of looking at her like he owns her. Like she’s some prize to be won.”

As if sensing his gaze, (Y/N) looked up and met Draco’s eyes. A smile spread across her face, bright and genuine, and he felt a flicker of warmth, only to be extinguished by the realization that she was smiling at Harry, too.

“See? She’s into him,” Blaise said, leaning closer. “You need to make a move, Malfoy. Otherwise, you might just lose her.”

Draco felt the heat of anger rise within him. The idea of (Y/N) and Harry together, of them sharing moments that should be his, was infuriating. He couldn’t just sit back and watch. He had to do something.

As classes continued, Draco became increasingly restless. He had always been confident in his ability to charm and woo, but with (Y/N), everything felt different. She was unlike anyone he had ever met, and the thought of losing her ignited a fierce protectiveness within him.

One evening, while studying in the library, (Y/N) and Draco found themselves at a table near the back. The library was quiet, filled only with the soft rustling of pages turning and the distant crackle of a fireplace. (Y/N) was engrossed in her potion notes, and Draco was attempting to focus on his own work, but the memory of Harry’s lingering glances and their easy laughter gnawed at him.

“Are you going to talk to me or just stare at that paper?” (Y/N) finally asked, glancing up from her notes.

Draco frowned, torn between the urge to share his feelings and the jealousy simmering inside him. “What’s so great about him, anyway?” he blurted out, the words slipping from his mouth before he could stop them.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, her expression shifting from surprise to amusement. “You mean Harry? He’s nice, and he’s really smart. We have a lot of the same classes, and he’s a good study partner.”

“A good study partner?” Draco scoffed, leaning back in his chair. “He’s practically drooling over you every time you’re near him. You should see how he looks at you.”

(Y/N)’s smile faltered slightly, replaced with a curious look. “You’re acting a bit possessive, Draco. You know I can take care of myself.”

“Maybe I just don’t want him to think he has a chance,” Draco said, his tone more defensive than he intended.

(Y/N) studied him for a moment, her gaze piercing and thoughtful. “And what if I wanted to spend time with him? Is that a problem for you?”

Draco’s heart raced. He had never considered that possibility. “It’s not like that,” he stammered, trying to regain his composure. “I just think he’s not good enough for you. You’re special, (Y/N). You deserve someone who sees that.”

Her eyes softened slightly, and she leaned forward, resting her chin on her hands. “Draco, I appreciate that, but you can’t dictate who I spend my time with. If I like Harry as a friend, that doesn’t mean I don’t like you.”

The tension in the air was palpable, and Draco felt a flicker of hope mixed with confusion. “So you do like me?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Of course I do,” (Y/N) said, her expression sincere. “But you have to understand, I’m still figuring things out. You have to trust me.”

Draco leaned back, the weight of her words settling over him. He wanted to trust her, but the jealousy gnawing at him felt insatiable. “It’s just hard,” he admitted, his voice low. “I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t,” she promised, her voice soothing. “But you need to let me make my own choices.”

The moment hung in the air between them, and for a heartbeat, Draco could see the possibility of something deeper, something more than just friendship. Yet the specter of Harry loomed large in his mind, an unwelcome reminder of the competition he faced.

As they continued their study session, Draco felt a mix of emotions swirling within him—hope, fear, and a fierce determination. He wouldn’t let Harry take (Y/N) away from him. He had to show her that he was the one who deserved her, the one who would cherish her in ways that Harry never could.

But first, he had to figure out how to keep his jealousy at bay and focus on what really mattered: the connection he shared with (Y/N) and the promise of what could be.

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