Raindrops Keep Falling

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Author's Note: Hey guys! While I was bored and having writer's block a while back I started writing a college AU about Val and Loki! So here it is. The first two parts are also posted on the blog I started (and have kind of neglected) for the series, at folkvangr-end.tumblr.com! Also, fun fact: I literally just discovered while looking for a Youtube video of this song that it's from the soundtrack for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, which, well, you'll see eventually why that's a coincidence! (God I love references way too much.)


Raindrops keep falling on my head,

But that doesn't mean my eyes,

Will soon be turning red...

"Is it...shit," Valkyrie Sutton groans, looking up towards the sky. The gray clouds that were lurking on the horizon when she went into the library have shifted to covering the whole sky in a hazy, dark formation. She looks down at the final essay that's supposed to be in her professor's mailbox in five minutes and looks back up again.

"Fuck me," she whispers to herself. Suddenly, thunder cracks above and rain begins to pour down. "Don't bring your backpack, Val, it'll be fine Val!"

She takes off in a run from the library, trying to simultaneously shove her essay into her jacket and shield her eyes from the driving rain. She darts across the street, into and through traffic, and past the campus Starbucks.

"Hey! Val!" A familiar voice calls out after she runs right past them. She turns and starts running backwards blindly.

"Tony! Hey!" she calls. "I'm on my way to turn something in, but drinks later?"

"You bet your ass!" Tony is laughing at her shaking his head when she turns around and runs directly into someone.

"Sorry! Gotta go!" Valkyrie nearly screams into the stranger's face. She takes quick note of how he seems vaguely familiar, but can't pay him much mind. That is, of course, until she notices he in holding an umbrella in his hand. She hesitates a moment.

Don't do it. You haven't sleep in three days you are not capable of rational decision making.

She lunges forward suddenly and grabs the umbrella from his hands and darts down the sidewalk.

"Hey!" he calls after her, but she's nearly rounding the corner of the block already. He sighs and then, despite better judgment, goes after her. After all, that umbrella cost a pretty penny. His long legs carry him fast and he catches up to her in no time. He slips his hand around the handle of the umbrella and carries it along with her, because he cannot shake her vice-like grip on the thing.

"I'm just going to assume that you're acting entirely irrationally because it's finals and not because that is your natural state. I'll wait to impose that judgment until after we arrive at wherever it is you're in a hurry too, however," he says with a smile.

Valkyrie looks up at him again, narrowing her eyes at him. "I don't like you."

"Well, that's just fine, bandit," he chuckles to himself. "You don't have to like me. You just have to give me back my umbrella."

"This is weird, right?" Valkyrie asks him suddenly. He looks at her and her eyes are wide and extremely bloodshot.

"Uh...yes," he agrees, startled by the sleepless look in her eyes. He would almost mark her down as attractive if he wasn't nearly convinced she's entirely mental. "Are you planning on letting go of this umbrella any time, or...am I going to have to pry it from your dead hands?"

Raindrops Keep Falling (Valoki College AU)Where stories live. Discover now