Little Things

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You can't go to bed without a cup of tea,

And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep,

And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep,

Though it makes no sense to me...

Five minutes after class starts, the door bangs open and in he stumbles. Valkyrie's gasp is audible when she lays eyes on the tall, pale and utterly hungover Loki. She hasn't seen him since before Christmas and in that time he seems like he's gotten taller and his normally neat hair is longer and a mess.

Their professor rolls his eyes, but gestures for Loki to take the only available seat in the lecture hall—right next to Valkyrie. He takes a while to get there but once he does he slides down into the seat and seems to just keep sliding. She tries not to laugh but's it's difficult to suppress. She can see that his eyes are closed behind his sunglasses. The professor announces he's going to be showing a Ted Talk, which seems promising for the first class of the semester. Of course, it's the professor's own Ted Talk. But a Ted Talk is a Ted Talk regardless. The lights in the lecture hall dim and Loki whispers thanks to some god or another under his breath.

Valkyrie scoots down in her seat a little and leans close to Loki. "Hey, you," she says gently.

He groans in response and it takes him a long time to open his eyes and look at her. When he finally processes the blurry vision of Valkyrie he sits up a little bit.

"You again?" he mutters. "How the hell are you?"

"I'd wager I'm a bit better off than you are right now," she teases, snatching the sunglasses from his face. He very nearly hisses at her, but seems to think better of it and instead just makes a pitiful, half-hearted reach for them.

He squints at her but manages a smile. "You're a sight for sore eyes."

"Cute," she scoffs, rolling her eyes. Then they spark with menace. "Wanna make a deal?"

"I don't know that I'm in much of a state to be making deals."

"Well, that's perfect." She slides down further, getting closer to her. She's so close he can practically taste what toothpaste she uses. "I'll share my notes with you for every class as long as you buy me a cup of coffee per lecture."

"Ah, so you're a caffeine junkie, is that it?"

"I'm willing to throw in study sessions, no extra charge," Valkyrie says quickly and Loki can hear the smile in her voice. "I'm just saying, you don't look overly keen on this class and it's day one. So? You bring the goods and I promise to ease your misery a little."

The girl in front of them turns and arches an eyebrow. "Will you please, please make it sound a little more like I'm dealing drugs? I'd really appreciate that." His voice is soft and absolutely dripping with sarcasm.

"This deal won't last long...c'mon, be the Butch Cassidy to my Sundance Kid," she says, elbowing him. He stops a moment and stares intensely into her eyes. He's surprised she remembered his pet name for her after all this time. Especially since they really don't know each other.

"I'm capable of taking my own notes, thank you," Loki says a bit too loudly. People glance back at him and he just waves them off. "But I'll take you up on it for this lecture."

"Good. Oh, and, by the way, I take it black."

Raindrops Keep Falling (Valoki College AU)Where stories live. Discover now