Sister Midnight

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Calling sister midnight
Well, I'm an idiot for you
Calling sister midnight
I'm a breakage inside
Calling sister midnight...

"Isn't it 3AM there?" Valkyrie's mother asks on the phone.

Valkyrie looks up at the clock in the lounge and groans. "Yes."

"Why exactly are you calling me at 3AM on a Wednesday?" Her mother is laughing. Valkyrie would be laughing if she weren't so completely pissed at Darcy. The door to the lounge opens and –

"MomIhavetogoIwillexplainlater!" Valkyrie says quickly before hanging up on her mother.

"Well, well," Loki smiles, leaning in the doorway. "Who on earth were you talking to at 3AM on a Wednesday?"

"My mom. She's in Norway. The museum she works for just acquired a bunch of new Viking findings...aaaand I'm boring you, sorry," Valkyrie laughs.

Loki shakes his head. "No, no. Not boring at all." He finally looks her up and down as she is sprawled on the couch. She's wearing a towel and appears to still be sopping wet. "I hate to ask, but, why exactly are you in here and basically naked?"

She sits upright. "I am not naked!" she protests. She looks down. "Mostly. Sexiled. You?"

"Sexiled," he laughs in defeat. "Do you mind if I join you?" He gestures to the couch. She notices the towel and clothes in his hands.

"Not to be completely odd, because I don't think we're really there yet, or anywhere really, but, can I please, please borrow your clothes?"

Loki is taken aback. He looks down at the clothes from earlier in the day in his hands. After his shower he gratefully got into his pajamas, but when he was heading back to his room, he got the fateful text from Clint not to come back as the room would be otherwise...occupied. So he'd been wandering the halls holding his jeans and t-shirt and towel until he'd settled on the lounge. He looks to the girl sitting on the couch in front of him and then back at his clothes and sighs and tosses them to her.

"Let the record show that I do find this to be totally odd, but, weirder things have happened at 3AM," Loki shrugs.

"Bless your heart," Valkyrie cheers before disappearing into the bathroom. Loki throws himself down onto the couch. He picks up her phone and inspects it. "Yeah, I can definitely agree with the weird. Like your roommate having sex to Enya? No? Just me?"

She appears next to him in a flash, a huge burst of energy, despite the untimely hour. She sits sideways, facing him, with her knees pulled snug against her chest. He smiles at the sight of his pants, too long for her, the material crumpled up at her ankles, and folded over.

She gestures widely to herself. "It's a good look, right?"

"Soon to be taking runways by storm, I'm certain," Loki jokes back. She observes him for a moment with a faint, strange smile on her face and he suddenly feels twitchy, like he's frying under a magnifying glass.

"You're pretty alright, you know that?" Valkyrie says suddenly before looking down and away. Silence passes between them, unbearably. "Thanks for not having so much sex, by the way."

"'re welcome?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that...right? No filter!" she laughs and then covers her mouth, shaking her head. "It's not that I'm glad you're not having sex, it's just that I'm glad that I get to sleep, you know? Except that now Darcy is the one having all the sex that's forcing me to be awake all night, so I guess she's next to be forcibly put on probation."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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