i miss it all

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I miss it.
I miss watching movies with my family,
Laughter filling the room like warmth.
I miss cooking, waiting for their thoughts,
The joy in their smiles as they taste.
I miss listening to songs with them,
Humming along, lost in melodies.
I miss gazing at the sunset together,
Its fading colors binding us in quiet.
I miss the long, unhurried walks,
The road trips, the mountains, the beaches-
Moments that feel distant now.

I miss it all,
But I can't complain.
A mountain of books looms before me,
Exams on the horizon,
Lab classes waiting in line.
This is the path I chose,
Yet sometimes, I long for the world I left behind.


Hey readers! I hope you liked this poem. Please let me know if y'all have any poem ideas that you want me to write about, I'd be glad to know <3

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