October 10 th

77 1 0

You then create copies of the stones to give back, and Captaim America brings them home.

"Alright Ladies, time to go home"

ALL OF THEM;Yes Master.

All of you go to your place.

CAPTAIN MARVEL;This place could use a bit of a feminine touch Master.

"You could use with a feminine touch"

That made Wanda burst out laughing.

"Thank you Wanda"

WANDA;Of course Master.

She makes out with you.

You kiss her back and grope her breasts.

CAPTAIN MARVEL;Hey, what about us Master?

GAMORA;Yeah, I want your love too.


SHURI;Me too.

OKOEYE;And me Master.

"Don't worry, you all will get attention.

CLONE PEPPER;Master doesn't need to give any 1 attention he doesn't desire.

CLONE HOPE;We only exist to serve him.

CAPTAIN MARVEL;As much as we all love our Master. We still need attention.

So, in case you're wondering. I'm having the clones be devoid of will, but the real girls retain their personalities.

Any how, on with the story.

"I am fine and plenty capable of giving you all love and attention.

ALL THE GIRLS;Thank you Master.

"Of course, now, all of you get naked"

They look at each other awkwardly. Then get naked.

CAPTAIN MARVEL;So who goes 1 st Master?

"Gamora and Nebula"

They look confused, and the others pout.

NEBULA;Wait, so does that mean?

GAMORA;At the same time?


They awkwardly look at each other. Then back at you.

BOTH;If that's what you want Master.

MANTIS;(puts a hand on both of them)You feel aroused.

Their knees start to buckle, and they moan a bit.

"Are you 2 ready?"

BOTH;Yes Master, we need you.

You get naked.

They both kiss you, and you kiss the 2 of them.

Happy Holidays female characters x you(male reader)Where stories live. Discover now