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(Hey Little jewels!! How are ya doing? I hope your doing great!! Here's the next chappy I hope you Enjoy It as much As I had writing it!! And I know It's random but . . . that Pic is just so CUTE!!! I am so Glad I found it!! I thought it was Adorably funny ((If you can see it)) Thank you again, for your support And Your wonderful comments!! Arigato!!!)

Nari Pov (After three days)

I woke up laying on something warm, I blushed when I realized what or more specifically who it was. I turned my head slowly and saw that my head was in fact resting on Leo's chest, he breathed in deeply. This was the second time that I had done this, I would stay with him talking and then fall asleep in the chair next to him.

His mask was off and so was his gear, not that he really had put it on in the past few days. His leg had been hurt pretty bad and Don told him to not move it so much or else he would make it worse, so I kept him company. Mona had also been hurt pretty badly but because of her genetics she was healing a lot faster, although her tail was still bad she could now move about freely.

I was deep in thought and didn't notice Leo had woken up until I felt him run a hand through my black hair. I looked over and saw him looking back at me with a smile that made my heart flutter. I blushed as I realized that I was still on him, I moved to get up but his hand held me there, "Please don't." I blushed smiling and just laid there.

"Hi Leo." My voice soft as I looked at his dark blue eyes.

"Hello Dove." I giggled at his nickname for me, he smiled his perfect smile.

"How are you feeling?"

"Perfect, just perfect."

"Oh Leo." He just smiled, we stayed like that for a little while. He brushed my hair as I listened to his heart beat and his calm breathing. I felt a small shutter in his breathing and immediately shot up worried, he smiled but I saw the wince he was hiding. He sighed unhappily, "I'm fine Nari."

I sighed and stood up, and walking to the desk were some pain meds were, no point in telling him that he wasn't, he would just deny it. I grabbed a mild pill and the water bottle before handing it to him. He grimaced and sat up before taking them, I wanted to help him with everything but I knew that he wouldn't like that, he was the leader and he didn't like to look weak. But I don't think he could ever look weak, at least not in my eyes.

"Dove, what time is it?" He asked as he handed the water bottle back.

I looked over at the clock and sat down again, "Almost nine." He nodded and took my hand playing with my fingers, before slowly bringing my hand up to brush a kiss on. I blushed giggling at how dorky he was, but it was cute. He smirked and suddenly yanked on my arm making me shoot over and on the bed.

"LEO!?" I cried out afraid of hurting him.

He chuckled and wrapped and arm around my waist pulling me on top of his lap, I quickly moved my legs away from his left one. "Careful! I could have hurt you!" I looked up at him.

He smirked, "You only hurt me when your not with me."

 I rolled my eyes, "Leo you're such a dork." He smiled and buried his face in my hair bringing me closer to him. I cuddled closer enjoying the feel of him holding me close and secure.

"I love you."He whispered, I pulled away and looked at him, his cheeks a little pink. 

I leaned up and kissed his cheek, "I love you too Leo."

He smirked, "Hey you missed." My eyes widened as he swiftly leaned down and crashed his lips to mine full of wanting. I fluttered my eyes closed and kissed him back with the same swiftness. His hand behind my neck pulling me closer, his right arm tightening around my waist. I held on his shell loving every second of the sweet and passionate kiss.

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