Meeting him

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Soobin pov:

It's been almost 8 months since I got graduated and received one of the highest score of that session.

I had been living peacefully, enjoying the peace since then, going on long drives alone on my precious bikes, and camera.

But It is not possible to stay in peace I guess for a long time.

Yesterday my father came to me and said,


"Soobin, I need to talk to you about something really important, are you free right now?", my father asked.

I was lying on my couch and sat properly as I saw him sit on the bed inches away from me.

"Soobin, I got my health reports today which are not very well, and your mother's blood pressure is really high since then on me."
He chuckled.

"I never thought that ever I would have to face this situation when my body sickness overpowered my mind ability."
He stood near the window and said,
"I think it's the time when I should hand over my responsibilities to you.

And obviously, You are the one who can manage all this."

He went silent waiting for an answer.

"Dad I respect you and concerned about things very well but this is also true that I don't need to tell you what I have on my mind.", Soobin stated.

"I am very well aware about this son and that's why I am concerned.", Mr. Choi almost reached near the entrance gate of the room.

"Enjoy as much as you want for next 1 month because after that you will have to carry a responsibility on your shoulder. And I am sorry for that", Mr. Choi said and went out of the room.

Soobin sat in silence.
Absolute silence.

End of flashback


For next one month, he was at the intense level of living his life.

Not even a single day happened when he returned home before 2-3 am in the morning.

Mr. Choi was also observing all this but he didn't interrupt any of his decisions.
He had also asked Mrs. Choi to not interrupt him.

He knew that in future, the situations are going to be extreme.


10th September:

Mr. Choi was waiting in the living room for Soobin.

In a few minutes, He came downstairs and stood in front of his father ready to leave for the office.

Mr. Choi glanced at him from up to down and said, "You didn't get dressed up yet???"

The reason why Mr. Choi asked this is that, Soobin was wearing this::

 Choi asked this is that, Soobin was wearing this::

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This was his usual outfit when he went for outings.

"Dad, what's wrong? I am going to office with you in this only.", Soobin was really confused.

Mr. Choi was about to say something when a conversation popped up in his mind.

Unknown: Sir, To identify the personality of person you need to give them freedom.
No matter what ever he wear, how ever he present, He must not be interrupted. He is now my responsibility.

Mr. Choi decided to opt silence and went towards his car.

In quite few minutes, they reached the office.

The decoration were quite decent and there were people to welcome there new CEO.

Everyone bowed as Mr. Choi entered with his son.

Soobin bowed to everyone and then they came to office room.

Soobin in past had many visits here but this was a really different experience for him.

Mr. Choi was busy on call so Soobin sat on the couch and look at the time.

"I will be back in few minutes", Mr. Choi said and went out of the room.

Soobin lazily lay on the couch and started scrolling through his phone.

After half an hour,

"Soobin", Mr.. Choi called.

Soobin stood up and that's when he saw a figure enter the room.

Soobin looked at him.

His eyes were beautiful and his lips formed a pout

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His eyes were beautiful and his lips formed a pout.

His smile made his features more attractive.

"Hello Mr. Choi and Mr. Soobin, nice to meet you", Yeonjun said and bowed.

Soobin also bowed.

"Soobin, Yeonjun is one of the most talented and famous Ceo coach in the industry. He is here to train you for next several months till you become self efficient.", Mr. Choi said.

Soobin expression change into perplexed and mazed.

"Dad but-", Soobin was interrupted by Mr. Choi.

"Listen son, I know and considered your all the statements but you also need to consider my request.
You need to understand that everything doesn't happen your way.
I am going now, Yeonjun, Mari will be here soon, she will give you all the instructions.", Mr. Choi said.

"Sure sir, I will manage", Yeonjun said with a smile.

Mr. Choi left.

"Hi, nice to meet you", Yeonjun said while raising his hand in front of Soobin to shake hands with him.


Hi guys!!!
I am here with the first part of this story.
It seems a little boring now but I make sure to make it as much interesting as possible ahead.


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