Gabriel 1

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 Gabriel closes his eyes before he drifts off to sleep. The world was dark, he felt cold and felt a crawling sensation up his body. He opens his eyes and sees a Centipede crawling up his arm. He tried not to scream, But the sound came out on instinct.

After throwing a fit of fear, he notices his surroundings are off. It was a graveyard, anyone could tell that.

He looked down and saw that he was still in his bed attire, his face heated up. Shaking his head, he concluded this was the least of his issues. He felt cold, his body had no warmth.

There were tombstones everywhere, he looked and saw that they never ended. He started walking for what felt like hours, the scenery seemed to never move. He decided to place a marker, walking and returned to the marker. Which was odd, for he continued to walk in one direction. So he turned around, But there was a girl standing right behind him.

She looked like death herself; Hair as black as coal, eyes like ravens, skin like paper; Her face mirrored his, Fear.

He ran, It was all he could bring himself to do. His body grew more and more tired, his cold limbs were on fire. The sky was Cloudy, faces and ghosts were one with the sky. It looked like the ghosts in the clouds mocked him. The faces seemed to be watching in a sick delight, he looked back and she was gone. He took a sigh of relief before he tripped over a broken tomb and fell inside a ditch.

He groaned as he got up, trying to climb the sides of the tomb with no avail, His body gave up. His body relaxed, eyes closing, opening them. He turned to his side only to see the girl standing. He tried to scream, but no sound came out.

Her smile still planted, her eyes softened. She fell right next to him laying down, no words came out. "Gabriel? Right?" Her voice was cold.

"Would you like to be friends?" She said looking straight through him, he saw small stars and constellations inside them. Her gaze firm, eye contact not breaking.

"Sorry... How about we get to know each other first?" he nods his head, fear lifting away.

"See you next time?" She holds out her pinkie, he ties them together and blinks. He was in his bed, he got up. He was in a cold sweat, his breath heavy. He blinked the tears away, a constant sound of beeping. Shifting his gaze to a clock, it read '6:30'.

Sighing, he brought his body up. He tried to stand, to no avail. He looked down and noticed blood across his feet, after multiple attempts. He finally managed to stand, his skin burning.

He dragged himself across his room towards a bathroom, he grabbed a rag and soaked it. He cleaned his feet, no wound. But the blood was there? Bringing himself into the shower, the water warmed his skin. He felt like he could just peel it off and a warm layer would be underneath. The warmth dissipated as he left the shower, cold air on his skin.

He felt like he ran for miles, his body ached.

The familiar feeling of being draped over with cloth, no matter what he did. His body felt no warmth. Even though he was wearing multiple layers of clothes. His body should be burning with warmth. However he was not granted that pleasure, He grabbed his bag.

He made his way towards a familiar door, the house was silent as a ghost town. This wasn't unusual, sound was a rarity for home. Some houses are buzzing with sounds and activity. But this house was more of a grave, nothing but silence.

He walked down an all to familiar street, the houses were as stale as the people who owned them. Stopping at the end of the street, he waited. People and cars passed, never sparing a second glance. After a few more moments, a yellow bus came into view. It stopped in front of him, taking a few steps he entered the vehicle.

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