Ch 27: Never be forgotten

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Denise’s hands kept shaking as she stared at the girl's lifeless form, the reality of what she had just done sinking in like a cold, heavy stone, "I....killed her. I really killed her."

The horror of the moment gripped her heart, but she fought it back with every ounce of willpower she had left. She hadn't meant to kill her. All she had wanted was to tear her away from Elo, to break their bond—nothing more.

But the girl was dead. And the weight of her death pressed down on Denise's chest like a suffocating fog. Denise’s mind raced as she stared at the lifeless body, her thoughts spiraling, struggling to find some justification for what she had just done.

"She... she was going to take Elo away f-from me," Denise whispered, her voice trembling. "She was a t-threat. I had no choice." Her breath quickened, her chest tightening as she tried to push the rising tide of guilt back down.

She mumbled the words, trying to convince herself that this was all worth it. "She was going to take Elo away from me," Denise whispered, her voice shaky, almost frantic. "I had to... I had to do this."

"I had to protect us," she muttered to herself, more forcefully this time. "I did this for us. For Elo." But as the words left her lips, they tasted hollow, and a cold knot of dread settled deep in her stomach.

But she’s dead. And I did this.

She could still hear Arerden Hale's frantic voice calling for his daughter somewhere in the distance. His agony echoed in her mind, a reminder of the monstrous thing she had done.

She could almost see him, his eyes wide with fear, searching for his daughter far away from the field where she had just ended her life. This was the only way to keep her from taking Elo.

She was a danger to us. To me.

Her first kill. At 18. And it was an innocent human, who was not strong enough to even protect herself, the second mate of Elo, and the daughter of Arerden Hale.

"She wasn’t innocent. She was going to take my place, and I couldn’t let that happen," Denise’s breath was shallow, but she quickly pushed the guilt away, clinging to the only thing that had kept her going in the first place: Elo is mine.

She had already convinced herself that this was for Elo, that this was the only way. But it wasn’t just about Elo anymore. It was about her own envy, her own insecurities. It was about a cruel, angry girl who had let her emotions get the better of her. A girl who had been too young, too influenced, to understand the real cost of what she was doing.

Denise forced herself to stand, her legs trembling as she dragged the blonde teenager's body across the ground. The weight of what she had done felt unbearable, but she couldn’t afford to stop now. She had to hide the body, to make sure no one ever found out. She needed a place. She needed to stop Elo from finding out.

She wrapped the girl’s body in a cloth, her hands trembling as she used all the energy she had left to move towards the southern province.

The Wizard’s hut was the only place she could think of—a place where she could hide the evidence of her first kill.

Denise could feel her heart pounding in her ears, the guilt gnawing at her insides. She saw the poor girl's face, pale and innocent, and the tear stains on her cheeks. She didn't even know the girl's name, only that she was Arerden’s daughter.

When she arrived, the wizard was waiting for her. He was smirking, as if he had been expecting her. His eyes gleamed with malicious delight as he commented on the shame Denise had brought to her mother. "Your mother would be so proud of you now, Denise," he mocked. "Murdering a young girl. How fitting."

Denise’s stomach churned with rage. She didn’t need this right now, not his taunting. Her hands shook as she reached out, grabbing the wizard by the throat, choking him until his face turned red. “Don’t you dare say a word to anyone,” she hissed, her voice low and venomous. "Or I swear, you'll regret it."

The wizard chuckled darkly, unfazed by her threat. "Oh, don't worry, I won’t tell anyone," he said, his voice a cruel whisper. "But you’ll never forget this, Denise Leeve. This will haunt you forever."

With that, he performed a spell, and the body of Meredith was preserved. Her blonde hair remained bloodstained, arms bruised and her tear-streaked, pale face frozen in a peaceful, innocent expression, like a child who had fallen asleep, unaware of the horrors around her.

Denise collapsed on the floor, exhausted and shaking, her heart pounding in her chest. She stared at the girl's lifeless body, fear swirling within her. This was her first kill.

The wizard's dark eyes were fixed on her, his smirk growing as he sensed her vulnerability. He knew the power he now held over her, and that knowledge excited him. She had crossed a line, one that tied her fate to his in a way that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

"You've made your first kill, Denise," the wizard said softly, almost gently, though the malice never left his tone. "You’ve broken something inside you that can never be mended. But don't worry. I’ll make sure no one finds out. Not Elo, not your mother, not anyone. This will stay between us."

Denise's breathing was ragged, her mind spiraling as the full weight of her actions crashed down on her. Elo. Her mother. What would they think if they knew? She could never let them find out. They could never know she had killed someone in a fit of rage and jealousy.

But the wizard—he was a problem she hadn’t anticipated. He had power now. Power over her.

I can’t let him control me, she thought, her teeth grinding together in frustration.

The wizard circled her slowly, his presence overwhelming in the dim light of the hut. "You’ve given me quite the leverage, haven’t you? Your dear mother, Dion Leeve, would be ashamed if she found out what you've done. She’s a proud woman, known for her mercy and wisdom. And here you are, her daughter, murdering a defenseless girl out of jealousy."

Denise's fists clenched, her entire body tensing. She couldn’t let him hold this over her head. She couldn’t let him threaten her with the truth.

"You're going to keep your mouth shut," she growled, her voice hoarse, but filled with cold determination. "I’ll make sure of it."

The wizard chuckled, clearly amused by her threat. "Oh, I believe you will try, young one. But threats from a girl who can barely stand after her first kill don’t frighten me. No, this is a delicate balance we have now—one you will learn to live with. You’ll owe me from here on. After all, I’m the only one standing between you and the truth getting out."

Denise stared at him, her mind whirling, trying to figure out her next move. She needed to gain control, to find a way to neutralize the wizard’s threat, but she was too drained, too conflicted. Right now, all she could do was struggle.

"Get out of here," the wizard said, waving her off dismissively. He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a cruel whisper. "Just remember, this will be your reminder—your first kill. Every time you close your eyes, you'll see her face."

Denise staggered to her feet, barely able to stand. She shot the wizard one last glare, her eyes filled with hatred, but she knew she was powerless in this moment. She had no choice but to leave and gather her thoughts, to figure out what to do next.

She stumbled out of the hut, her legs weak beneath her, her mind spinning.

But as she walked away, the seed of something dark began to take root inside her. She wasn’t going to let the wizard control her forever. Denise’s heart hardened, and her resolve strengthened.

But the truth was, nothing would ever be the same. Not after her first kill. And deep down, she knew she had already started down a path that she might never escape.

As she stumbled into the night, something grew inside her soul—an anger, a determination. Denise would find a way to break free, to rid herself of this burden. No one would control her. Not him, not her guilt, and not even the haunting memory of the girl she had killed.

I did this for Elo, she reminded herself, her fists tightening as she disappeared into the dark forest.

And no one will take her away from me.

BOOK II: Dawn of Aetheria(G!P)Where stories live. Discover now