Chapter 4

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It was the morning... The sun shone brightly and beamed, managing to directly hit the eyes of a young woman with beautiful blonde hair... This woman was Y/n... As the sun hit her eyes, she slowly opened them to present her stunning emerald green irises... "Finally, you're awake. Thought you would sleep through today..." Her cousin, Felix said, sipping coffee... She woke up and looked at the time. It was 8:30. '8:30...' She thought... "Wait, 8:30?! Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?" She screamed at him. After screaming at Felix, she quickly got out of bed and rushed to get ready for the day. As she hastily put on her clothes and ran a brush through her hair, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty for overreacting. Taking a deep breath, she decided to apologize to him and make the most of the day ahead. 

"Hey, uh, sorry for overreacting there... I'm going to the café next door, wanna come?" She said, half guilty, half exhausted, wanting to go drink some coffee. "Sorry? Well, you always overreact so, not much of a surprise; and yeah, sure, I'll tag along." He replied. "Whatever you say, mister," Y/n said, rolling her eyes. "Doesn't Kagami want to come? You go ask her, if she's free, ask her to join too" Felix went to call Kagami, but she was busy teaching fencing... "It's just us for now... come on," He said, while Y/n followed him... As they stepped into the café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, instantly lifting Y/n's spirits. She found a cozy table by the window and settled in, grateful for the warmth of the sun on her back. Felix joined her, and they both ordered their favorite drinks. 

While sipping their coffees, Y/n spoke up. "Isn't it Adrien and Marinette's wedding next month?" She questioned. "It's less than a month away, thought you knew?" Felix asked her, not sure how she forgot her own brother's wedding... "Well, I probably forgot because... uhh..." She just sat there, not knowing what to say next. "It's alright, it's on the 27th of this month, no need to go search your brain for it" He replied, making Y/n giggle. As she finished her coffee, she got up and said, "Well, I'm done. Since it's barely two weeks away, why not go shopping? Wanna come?" "Of course, I don't trust you to go alone anywhere" She scoffed. "Well, I can take care of myself very well, sir!" Felix raised an eyebrow. "Pfffttt, very well, huh? Is that the reason you were freaking out over a spider yesterday?" "Hey!" She screamed, her cheeks red form embarrassment. "Anyway, I'm going; Bye!" She replied, as she ran out the café and soon, her cousin following her... 


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