Victim ain't no victim no more

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"So..." Red began as they all directed their attention towards Chosen, who wearily sank down onto the couch. "Can we address the elephant in the room now?" Green interjected, breaking the heavy silence that had settled among them.

"Yeah! Like, um, why did Chosen suddenly return all bloodied and injured? Let's start with that," Second retorted, shooting a pointed glare at Chosen, who defiantly crossed his arms. "I was really scared for a moment there," Yellow admitted, nervously scratching his head.

"I agree... It was quite a shock," Blue added, his voice tinged with lingering concern. Meanwhile, Dark groaned in exasperation at their collective reaction. "Alright, alright, calm the fuck down. Let's wait for Alan, and then Chosen can finally explain himself. How does that sound?" Dark proposed, his annoyance evident.

They all nodded in agreement, and just as the tension began to settle, Alan made his way down the stairs, clutching a book in his hands. He squeezed himself between Second and Dark, who huffed in response.

Taking a deep breath, Chosen leaned in, preparing to address the situation. "Alright, I'll explain everything in one go," he declared, locking eyes with each member of the Color gang, who nodded in unison.

"Earlier, I ventured into the Outernet with the intention of acquiring medicine in case the illness spread to any of you," Chosen began, motioning towards the Color gang, who simply shrugged in response.

"Alright, I'll actually come out and say it... I'm wanted in Stick City," Chosen shrugged, and the room erupted with overlapping voices, everyone trying to make sense of the revelation. Alan shook his head, his confusion evident. "Hold on, Stick City? And you're wanted? What happened?" Alan asked, seeking clarification.

"I'm getting to that. Every time I go to the Outernet, there's a chance I get chased around. Now... I came across a wanted poster, but it wasn't for me—it was for Alan," Chosen explained, looking at Alan, who appeared even more bewildered and perplexed.

"Whoa, did you commit a crime or something? Cool!" Blue exclaimed with enthusiasm, clapping his hands. "No, you idiot," Dark interjected sharply. "The organization that's after Chosen is also targeting Alan. They're not wanted for committing crimes. They're wanted because there's something the organization wants from them."

Curiosity piqued, Second asked, "Hold on, who or what is this organization?" Chosen took a moment before responding, "The organization is called Rocket Corp. They're after me because... they're trying to find you, Alan. They're searching for the 'Cursor.'"

Green gasped in shock. "So... they want Alan. Is that why there's a wanted poster of him?" Yellow questioned. Chosen shook his head. "No, I don't think so. I don't believe they know that Alan is currently a stick, which is a good thing," Chosen emphasized, making it clear that Alan's current form should remain a secret.

"Right... but why do they want Alan in the first place?" Red inquired. Chosen scratched his head, pondering the question. "Well, about that, I'm not entirely sure. I did manage to interrogate one of them before I got speared through the leg," Chosen revealed, causing the others to flinch at the thought of his injury.

Alan's curiosity grew, and he asked, "What did they say?" Chosen sighed and replied, "Aside from the information I already shared—that they're searching for the Cursor, which is you, by the way—I asked for the name of the head of Rocket Corp.

They mentioned someone called Victim. Honestly, I don't know much about it. All I know is that I'm the 'victim' here," Chosen groaned in frustration.

The tense atmosphere in the room was briefly interrupted by chuckles from the others. However, Alan's realization dawned on him slowly, filling him with horror. Victim? The Victim?

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