Off with your head, dance dance, till you're dead

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We are one Alan Becker

Soon you will understand

Our mission,

To Destroy.....

Let's play God, Alan!

The room was filled with screams, and everyone else seemed scared. But Alan felt an indescribable sense of exhilaration, as if he were under the influence of something intoxicating. Confusion washed over him. What was happening? Where was Alan?

Wait... Who is Alan? No, it couldn't be. He is Alan.

As he surveyed his surroundings, he couldn't comprehend the sight before him. Lifeless stick figures lay scattered on the floor, their bodies motionless.

The air was filled with a deafening alarm, blaring relentlessly.

The sound pierced his ears, blending with the overwhelming presence of blood. Panic gripped him. Where was everyone? What had unfolded in this place?

"Alan... remember who we are." A whisper echoed through the chaos, sending a shiver down his spine.

Who was speaking? And who was AB-006? The mention of that name stirred a sense of familiarity within him, but the memories remained elusive.

Alan stood amidst the wreckage, his mind reeling with disbelief. How could he possibly be AB-006?

His name was Alan Becker, not some experiment named AB-006. He struggled to comprehend the shattered test tubes and the sharp fragments of glass scattered across the floor, a testament to the chaos that had unfolded.

Amidst the turmoil, a desperate voice cut through the air, pleading for help. Alan's attention was drawn to a wounded stick figure lying on the floor, bleeding and in pain.

A surge of conflicting emotions washed over him as he approached the figure, his hand instinctively gripping their neck.

"Please, spare me! My son needs me to come home!" the stick figure begged, their voice filled with fear and desperation as they fought against Alan's grip.

they struggled desperately in Alan's grasp, their cries echoing in the room. Alan's head tilted, a wave of conflicting emotions crashing within him.

He tightened his grip on the stick figure's neck, momentarily losing control, before abruptly releasing them, sending their body tumbling away. Alan was overcome with sickness and horror.

What was happening? What was he doing? This nightmare needed to stop, and someone had to intervene.

Alan, or perhaps AB-006, heard a voice that seemed to emanate from within himself. It was a distorted voice, gravelly and filled with static, as if multiple voices converged into one.

"Alan, we are one and the same. Come to me. I destroy the bad, and you create the new," AB-006 declared, asserting their connection with Alan, or at least the persona he had known as himself.

Confused and alarmed, Alan questioned the meaning behind these cryptic words. "What do you mean? Destroy the bad, create the new?" he asked, seeking clarification.

AB-006's voice took on a gleeful and excited tone as they responded, "Yes, don't you see? I am doing everyone a favor. I will cleanse everything from its sins, the dirty codes..."

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