Chapter one

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As Hongjoong entered his office, he was met with the familiar scent of fresh coffee and the faint hum of the city outside. His best friend and personal assistant, Yunho, sat casually at the desk, eyes on his tablet, a half-smile playing on his lips.

"How are you?" Yunho asked, without looking up.

"Fine," Hongjoong replied, shrugging off his jacket and tossing it onto the leather couch. He loosened his tie, already feeling the weight of the day ahead. "What's the schedule for today?"

Yunho tapped the screen and scrolled through the calendar. "Lunch with Mr. Kim at 13:30, then a meeting with Mrs. Jung, owner of Iconic Wardrobe, at 14:45. After that, dinner with your mom at 19:00. That's pretty much your day."

Hongjoong rolled his eyes as he dropped into his chair. "A meeting with my rival? Fantastic." His tone was drenched in sarcasm as he opened his laptop, diving into emails and work, trying to push the thought of Mrs. Jung to the back of his mind.

Time flew by, and before Hongjoong realized it, the clock on his screen blinked 13:15. He sighed, closing his laptop. Time to deal with Mr. Kim.


After lunch

The meeting with Mr. Kim had gone better than expected, but Hongjoong felt the tension creeping back in as he checked the time. 14:40. He groaned inwardly. Time for the showdown.

Hongjoong made his way to the second floor of the building, where his office, the staff kitchen, and the meeting rooms were located. The first floor was the heart of his empire-a bustling shop that showcased his latest fashion line, Joongstyle. The energy downstairs was palpable, but up here, it was quieter-until today.

As he entered the meeting room, Mrs. Jung, or Lee Ra as he knew her, was already seated at the polished conference table. She didn't bother to hide the disdain in her eyes as they locked onto Hongjoong.

"Well, this should be interesting," she said, her voice icy but calm. "Didn't think we'd have to share the same space today."

"Trust me, Lee Ra," Hongjoong responded, tossing his portfolio onto the table with a smug grin, "this wasn't on my list of preferred meetings either." He slid into the chair across from her. "But I hear your sales are slipping, so maybe you need this meeting more than I do."

Lee Ra's lips tightened into a thin smile. "Sales slipping? Iconic Wardrobe built its reputation on quality, not hype. When your 'bold' designs fall out of trend, I'll be happy to welcome your customers over to a brand that's built to last."

"Built to last? Iconic Wardrobe is predictable, Lee Ra. Fashion isn't about playing it safe. My customers want excitement, not the same recycled designs every season. That's what Joongstyle gives them-something new, something bold."

"Bold doesn't always mean better," Lee Ra retorted. "Your idea of 'new' is throwing flashy colors and oversized pieces together. Sure, that might grab attention now, but when your followers move on to the next shiny thing, where does that leave you?"

"It leaves me at the top," Hongjoong said, leaning back with a smirk. "We've been leading sales for the last three quarters. Maybe it's Iconic Wardrobe that needs to rethink its definition of success."

"Success isn't just about chasing trends, Hongjoong. It's about setting standards that last. Iconic Wardrobe has been leading the industry for over a decade. Our designs endure, year after year."

"Times are changing, Lee Ra. Legacy doesn't mean much if you're out of touch. This generation wants something that challenges conventions, not the same 'classic elegance' that's been around forever."

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